Saturday, May 19, 2012

My Friday Night Sew-In Results

Hello!  :)

I haven't been feeling well the past few days so I wasn't sure if I was going to be able to participate in the Friday Night Sew-In this month. I missed last month's so I really wanted to take part this month. I did manage to find a project that I could work on without too much effort on my part. What did I work on? I made lots of progress on the cross stitch piece I'm working on for my exchange partner in the Stitched With Love Exchange. The only thing is that I can't show it to you. I know . . . it sucks! I do have a couple of other cross stitch projects I worked on last week that I haven't showed you yet. Would you like to see them?

I hope you said yes because I'm going to show you anyway.  ;)  I'm working on Lizzie Kate's Monthly Stamp Flip-It's. The first one I did is for June.

I'm going to be making these into little pillows for every month. I hope I'll be able get this one done before June begins (or at least before it ends). Here's a closer view. I love the little buttons!  :)

I also managed to get started on the one for July.

I had to stop working on this one though as I have to get my exchange gift done and ready for mailing by June 1st.

I'm so glad you stopped by to see what I did on Friday night. I sure wish I felt better but hopefully I will soon. I don't go to the doctors (a specialist) until the 27th though. Without going into too many details, it's a female problem that's been bugging me since February and it's gotten much worse this past week. I think if I can survive the next few days I'll be able to make it until my appointment. Please pray for me. I would also appreciate it if you can keep my sister, Tammie in your prayers. She just found out that she might have leukemia. She's going in for more tests at the end of the month. When it rains it pours, doesn't it? Well I believe in rainbows and I know one's coming around the corner soon.  :)

Until next time . . .


Leah said... 1

Your stitching looks lovely!

Melissa said... 2

Those are going to be so cute on pillows. Will send prayers, hope you both feel better soon & hear good news from the doc!

Sheila said... 3

Your cross stitch looks great. I've tried that and I always seem to lose count and you know how that goes.
You and you sister will be in my thoughts and prayers. I hope you both receive good news during your doctor visits and get well soon.

Teresa F. said... 4

Wonderful cross sittching. I love the bee hive, it's so sweet.
Hope you're feeling better by now.

The Patchsmith said... 5

Am sending you both faith, hope and love across the airwaves in unlimited amounts until you are both well. Keep creating wonderful things and blogging about it. xxx

Amy, a redeemed sheep said... 6

Keep us posted on how you and your sister is doing. One day, we will have bodies not affected by the fall. Won't that be wonderful?

Unknown said... 7

So the colors! :D

Have a Daily Cup of Mrs. Olson said... 8

Cherise, I am so sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I hope you get results soon. I will be praying for you and your sister. I hope it is not Leukemia. Your cross stitch is so cute. I use to cross stich a lot, but anymore I mainly do just stitcheries. I do love hand stitching. Thanks for sharing with Share Your Cup.

Sue Daurio said... 9

Those are so cute and cheery. Love them.

Little City Farm said... 10

These are so sweet. How long does it take you to complete one of them (without the stops I mean). Thanks for sharing at our party this week.

Linda said... 11

How sweet! Looks like you're having fun!

Quiet Quilter said... 12

I like it!!!

Sara said... 13

June is coming---unreal! I think your cross stitch is fabulous:)

Sarah Craig said... 14

I love your little June cross-stitch, and it looks like you've got a great start on July!! Whoop whoop!!

Pam @Threading My Way said... 15

These are going to make great little pillows. This months pattern looks great!!! Hope you and your sister both get good news from the doctors...

Six Sisters said... 16

These will make darling pillows! We appreciate you linking up with us!! It's so fun to see all of the great ideas and recipes! We hope to see you back again soon! -The Sisters

Ali said... 17

Your beehive looks beautiful.
Hope your feeling better soon.
Ali x

Janine @ Rainbow Hare said... 18

Beautiful stitching! And much love and well wishes to you and your sister :)

Amy's Crafty Shenanigans said... 19

So cute! I haven't done any of my cross stitch in ages - this inspires me :) Followed you over from Quilt Story. Amy from

Connie Kresin Campbell said... 20

Love your little June cross-stitch, this will make a cute pillow! Hope you feel better soon! Thanks for sharing!
Quilting at the River Linky Party Tuesday

Etcetorize said... 21

Very cute! Makes me want to pull out my old cross stitching stuff. Not sure why I let that go. Thanks for sharing at Etcetorize this week~

I Gotta Try That said... 22

These are too cute. Would love for you to share it on my linky party!
Thanks, Marcie

Amy said... 23

Just gorgeous Cherise.

Thanks for linking up over at And Sew We Craft.


Wendy said... 24

Lovely work! I do love Lizzy Kate's designs

Doni said... 25

Praying for your sister...sure hope all turns out well.
THanks so much for joining me for Pearls and Lace thursday!
Blessing to you and your family,

Natasha in Oz said... 26

I hope you are feeling better now Cherise! We have all been sick at our place too.

Thanks so much for joining in with my weekly Say G'day Party. I'm going to Google Plus this post right now!

Best wishes,
Natasha in Oz

Anonymous said... 27

I'll definitely keep you and your sister in my prayers. I hope that by now you are feeling better. New follower.