A-Z Blogging Challenge Day # 26: “Z”
Artist: Zeppelin, Led
Song: “Whole Lotta Love” from Led Zeppelin II
Best Lyric: “You need coolin’, baby I’m not foolin’/I’m gonna send you back to schoolin’/ Way down inside/ I’m gonna give you my love”
Why we like it: Talk about taking charge. We think we’d have to stop and think if a guy said this to us–quite demanding, but so sexy!
A-Z Blogging Challenge Day # 25 : “Y”
Artist: Young the Giant
Song: “12 Fingers” from Young the Giant
Best Lyric: “I can follow you/Your heart beats just like I wanted it to/ And you want it to”
Why we like it: It can be interpreted in many different ways, but we take these lyrics as a sweet gesture from a guy who is completely devoted to making his lover swoon. Brilliant.
A-Z Blogging Challenge Day # 24: “X”
Artist: X-Tina AKA Christina Aguilera
Song: “You Lost Me” from Bionic
Best Lyric: “I feel like our world’s been infected/And somehow you left me neglected/We’ve found our lives been changed/ Babe, you lost me”
Why we like it: Yep, that guy you gave your heart to cheated on you and now it’s all screwed up. What better word to use than “infected” when describing love lost due to cheating?
A-Z Blogging Challenge Day # 23: “W”
Artist: The Walkmen
Song: “In the New Year” from You & Me
Best Lyric: “And I know you’re with me/It’s a point of pride/And it’s louder than lightning/In this room of mine.”
Why We Like It: This song’s all about optimism. And how when you’re with that special someone, you shut everything else out. :)
A-Z Blogging Challenge Day # 22: “V”
Artist: Vampire Weekend
Song: “Giving up the Gun” from Contra
Best Lyric: “When I was 17,I had wrists like steel/And I felt complete/And now my body fades behind a brass charade/And I’m obsolete”
Why we like it: This is the perfect summary of how it feels to go from an invincible teenager to a bill paying, responsibility having, regular old adult. *sigh*
A-Z Blogging Challenge Day # 21: “U”
Artist: The Used
Song: “Poetic Tragedy” from The Used
Best Lyric: “So he voyages in circles/Succeeds getting nowhere/And submits to the substance/That first got him there.”
Why We Like It: This song seems to be all about being stuck in the arms of addiction. Great writing material for any of your characters that feel just as hopeless.
A-Z Blogging Challenge Day #20: “T”
Artist: Taking Back Sunday
Song: “This Photograph is Proof (I Know You Know)” from Where You Want to Be
Best Lyric: “So we’re talking forever/And you almost feel better/But better’s no excuse for tonight.”
Why We Like It: Ever been so pissed at someone that no matter how much you “talk it out,” you still can’t get over it? TBS understands.
A-Z Blogging Challenge Day # 19: “S”
Artist: Slipknot
Song: “Snuff” from All Hope is Gone
Best Lyric: So.Can’t. Pick. Just. One. TIES! “The air around me still feels like a cage/And love is just a camouflage for what resembles rage again” AND “Deliver me into my fate/If I’m alone I cannot hate” AND FINALLY “You couldn’t hate enough to love/Is that supposed to be enough?”
Why we like it:The perfect song for love gone terribly wrong. And if you haven’t seen this video–watch it. Now.
A-Z Blog Challenge Day # 18: “R”
Artist: Ray LaMontagne
Song: “Let It Be Me” from Gossip in the Grain
Best Lyric: “There may come a time/You just can’t seem to find your way/For every door you walk on to/Seems like they get slammed in your face”
Why We Like It: Who hasn’t felt like they “can’t win for losing”? Let this song heal you, and know that you have someone like Ray there to have your back. :)
A-Z Blogging Challenge Day # 17 : “Q”
Artist: Queen
Song: “Somebody to Love” from A Day at The Races
Best Lyric: “Each morning I get up I die a little/Can barely stand on my feet”
Why we like it: Because this is what our mornings are like–we couldn’t have said it any better. Oh, and it does provoke ideas of a teen protag with mental issues. Hmmm, are we saying we have mental issues…