BUCKLE UP, YALL. Colorado or bust… an adventure starring myself, my mother, Lukas and 2 cats.
Wednesday. I drug the cats with gabapentin for the first time EVER. It made Kevin slightly more doofy and WAY clumsier than she normally is, but Clyde? He turned into a drunken frat boy. As soon as the drugs began to take over, he started binge eating my mother’s cat’s selections of wet food and kibble. I started to worry about him getting car sick, I needn’t have worried at all because he barged his brains out within 10 minutes of gorging himself. Luckily, after picking through cat vomit, there were no signs of him having regurgitated the pill. So into the carrier they went. Every few minutes I remembered something else I’d forgotten and would run back in and grab it. The last thing I forgot will haunt me forever. We were within sight of the interstate when I suddenly remembered I left my safe. Picture a gun safe, only I typically only keep OTHER weapons of destruction for adult eyes only in. Guns are icky, self love is not. So I called my oldest and asked him to confirm that “mommy’s little safe” was still at the house. Much to his disgust, it was… also in the safe because I knew it’d be the one place I couldn’t lose them? All the bolts to our beds. The safe had to make the trip. So my oldest son handed THE SAFE FULL OF VERY IMPORTANT THINGS to my stepfather who was on his way out the door for work and we had to meet him in the parking lot of the airport for this exchange. I won’t be able to look him in the eye ever again, which is already difficult as he’s pushing 7 feet tall and I’m barely over 5 feet. The drive goes semi smoothly from there. For once, Lou isn’t asking every half hour to stop and pee. Small miracles. We make it to Buccees in Alabama and manage not to spend all our travel money on more Buccee Beaver swag, but I do manage to leave my phone. In their immaculate bathroom. Their very public bathroom. I panic and start pushing “find my phone” on my watch and my phone is ON THE MOVE. Sprinkle a little more panic on top. I turn one way and get closer as it goes another way much farther. Finally I hear it screaming as a manager looks up from my phone and asks if I’m missing something. I probably look incredibly deranged at this point. Settled back into the car, we cruise along through Memphis, Mississippi and then the cats start waking up out of their stupor around the Arkansas state line. Their cries start to break my heart and I think of how long they’ve gone without water or bathroom breaks and WHAT KIND OF CAT MOM AM I? So I allow Lukas to free them. Big. Fucking. Mistake. Kevin loses her mind and attempts to scale the dashboard, cave dive the foot well, and is honestly just her normal neurotic self. Clyde decides he wants to also go down to help me drive and I managed to bear hug him to my chest. His back leg sneaks free and presses down on the back drivers side window. I panic, Clyde tries to wiggle free to investigate the interstate as it flies by at 80 mph and it takes everything in me to keep us on the road, roll the window back up, shove them BACK into the carrier and then child lock the windows. We make it to La Quinta in Little Rock, Arkansas before we set the cats free for the night.
Thursday. I’m up before God himself can get caffeinated. I’m officially out of iced coffee in my cooler pitcher and decide shotgunning FOUR CUPS of tasty La Quinta French roast will be fine JUST fine on my stomach. I follow this up with waffles because duh… free hot breakfast waffle makers are LIFE GIVING when I have sudden instantaneous regrets. You know that scene from Bridesmaids? I was Maya Rudolf in her wedding dress mid downtown intersection. I lost both my dignity and 10 pounds simultaneously. Because I don’t learn, I talked the lovely breakfast attendee into letting me fill up my iced coffee pitcher. As I finished topping off the pitcher, despite explaining and asking her if she was sure I could do it, she points to the camera and says, “I hope you don’t get into trouble for all the coffee, they are always watching.” I ganked my pitcher full of hotter than Hell coffee and booked it back to our room to wrangle the semi-sedated cats back into their carrier so we can hit the road before she sent the cops after me for coffee theft. We left Little Rock around 10 am. Oklahoma took most of the day, but then Texas happened. First, Apple Maps decides a short cut up an incline on a gravel road would save us time (but not our sanity) because 20 mph in a VERY loaded down Nissan Rogue was not the picture of efficiency. SO I made a u-turn back towards the interstate, a decision that will haunt me forever. Four hours into traversing the very tippy top of Texas, I decided to let mom drive till sunset so I could take a nap before powering through the last leg of this adventure. Texas continued to crawl past us and as I’m begging to please God let me sleep, mom turns off the interstate and onto a two lane highway. I look at the map and see it’s the last jaunt before our split second in New Mexico. The speed limit is 75 mph and there’s literally nothing, no street lights, no signs of intelligent life, nothing. Fields as far as the eye can see. As the sun begins to set I start having flashes of Hunter S. Thompson barreling down the highway high as hell screaming, “this is bat country!” Mom assumes I am asleep, but clearly doesn’t notice me white knuckling the travel pillow to my chest with one hand and the car door handle with the other. I am struck silent with terror as she swerves and crosses lines at 75 mph in the pitch black nothingness of Texas. We have less than 100 miles left on the gas tank, still no signs of life beyond the blinding darkness and my mother still hasn’t asked to swap seats. Lukas is hungry, the cats are waking up, my three kid ruined bladder is dangerously full and I could smoke a carton my anxiety is so high at this point. It’s literally 9:03 pm before we roll up to a gas station with less than 30 miles left on our tank and while the pumps are still pumping, ain’t no one inside and the sign on the door states they closed at 9. I am not above squatting in a bush at this point and leaving Lukas to feast on the cats as there ain’t no drive thru chicken nuggets or cheeseburgers within apparently an hour of us. We do, however, pass a handful of sit down “ma and pa” type restaurants before finally stopping at the oddly named “Toot’n Totum” around 1130 pm where a sweet but pushy teenager got real sassy over Lou only wanting the dried out gas station nuggets when they also had fries, chips, and a slew of sauces to choose from. We head back to the car and drive off in silence as we were beyond done with this leg of the trip and nobody dared talk about stopping for the night… until my eyes started burning and my body decided that if I didn’t pull off the interstate RIGHT NOW I’d have about 2.3 seconds before falling asleep behind the wheel. And so I did and proceeded to force my poor mother to take over. I slept through New Mexico (good riddance, story for a different day) and I woke up to my mother pumping gas at a sketchy gas station in Trinidad Colorado while also looking up La Quintas nearby (not sponsored, just the only hotel that allows more than just dogs). This wakes me up enough to look her dead ass in the eyes and demand she get in the passenger seat because AINT NO WAY this is turning into a 3 day trip when we have less than 2 hours left of our journey. HELL NO. Over my dead body. I power smoked through two cigarettes while doing laps around the parking lot to wake myself up enough to only slightly break the speed limit safely to get to our Airbnb. Let me tell you, driving through the mountains will keep your ass alert real quick.
Friday. At 3:54 AM I sent a message to my friend stating “Alive. Made it.” I don’t even remember sending it. What I do remember is slingshotting my bra across the room and face planting into a gloriously firm mattress. Over 13 hours of travel in one day and I had 6 hours before I needed to be caffeinated and coherent enough to sign my lease and get the keys. 4 hours later my body acts as if I’ve overslept and panic wakes me from a dead sleep. I accept my fate and chug the remains of my watered down gas station iced coffee, cry as I find my bra and force it back on and head to the house. Papers signed and keys secured I head back to the Airbnb picking up a trente iced coffee (NO ICE) and a shaken brown sugar espresso along the way. There’s no napping at this point, I have to retrieve money orders and a gajillion amazon packages from the post office and then meet my friend at the house so he can help me hang blinds because rentals don’t believe in them apparently. I release my mom and Lukas back to the Airbnb and after a few hours of putting away/installing my Amazon haul and retrieving slippery screws as they fall during blind install, my friend takes me back to the Airbnb because I’m clearly drunk on sleep deprivation at this point. I don’t even remember going to bed.
Which brings me to today, Saturday. My movers still haven’t shown up so we’ve had to extend our Airbnb and reschedule mom’s flight back home twice now. Their window of delivery runs through Monday. Which is also the only day I have to register Lou for school since they were closed for spring break last week. Monday will see me as the busiest girl alive and we’ll be living mostly out of boxes till next weekend when I can finally curl up, be cozy and unpack at my leisure.
All this insanity has been worth it to hear Lou thank me for bringing him to “the coolest state we’ve been to.” On his short list of states visited I can guarantee Texas will be at the bottom of that list and we’ll never speak of why that is ever again.
Hope yall enjoyed our National Lampoon’s-esque adventure! I hope to be mostly boring from here on out.