- Not being disciplined enough to keep up with this blog. My goal: try to post something every week. Honestly, if I kept up with this blog as much as I keep up with Facebook, I'd be posting something every day, and really, blogging is like a journaling exercise for me.
- Believing that I really stink when it comes to writing short stories. I've read some 'How To' books on short stories, but my mind is just a mess of thoughts, and lots of times I have a glimpse of an idea that I think would make a good short story, and it just doesn't translate onto paper. I envy some people who can get their thoughts down on paper and it all flows very logically, but I don't necessarily think logically when I'm in the creative process. I think the most frustrating thing is when you go back to edit your work, and after Drafts 3 and 4, you find that your idea (although evolving) still lacks meaning or resonates with you. I'm working on a short story right now about blindness that I'm ready to toss. It's loosely based on my own experiences with a retinal detachment, but when I read the story back to myself I'm like, "What the heck is this even about?" Do you know the feeling of frustration I'm talking about?

Hmmmm.... what do you make of this quote when applied to writing? I know what I think, curious to know what you think. Happy December!!