Friday, March 28, 2025

Finally Friday - The Master Butchers Singing Club

 Louise Erdrich is a sublime writer. This older work (2003), The Master Butchers Singing Club, is another fine example. 

cover blurb - What happens  when a trained killer discovers, in the aftermath of war (WWI) that his true vocation is love? Fidelis Waldvogel returns home to his quiet German village and marries the pregnant widow of his best friend who was killed in action. 

As a master butcher he heads to North America with his knives and sausage skills. He sets up a successful business in North  Dakota. Eva and  four sons thrive and we learn about the community, the lives, and deaths. A stranger, Delphine, proves to be a formidable friend and lover in this small town. Erdrich brings everyday encounters to life and weaves quite a tale. 

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Whatever Wednesday - The Testament by John Grisham

 Here's an oldie (1999) John Grisham book - The Testament that proved  to be a darn good  read. 

Troy Phelan is a self -made billionaire - eccentric, reclusive, confined to a wheelchair, and looking  for a  way to  die. His heirs are circling. He has written many wills. But it's his final, final testament that proves startling, shocking, and alters lives. 

 Nate O'Riley, a hard charging, hard living, Washington litigator is in for a remarkable adventure because of Troy Phelan. 

I won't say more.  I can't  say more.   I was very surprised. 

Monday, March 24, 2025

Monday Moments - the ultimate outlaw

 Another Monday Moments LOVE post.   All of these Love pics arose from Philly's Super Bowl victory, and celebrations around town.  Yes, Philly is the City of  Brotherly Love...or Shove (yea for  the tush push)

Love is  the ultimate  outlaw.   It  just  won't  adhere to any rules.  The most any of can do is sign on as its accomplice.  - Tom Robbins

I wish you a week of love. 

Friday, March 21, 2025

Finally Friday - Camino Ghosts by John Grisham

John Grisham is a reliable author with an extensive list of published  books. Camino Ghosts is on the new shelf at the library and I snapped it up.  It was a quick  patio  read and entertaining enough.  It's a  sequel to Camino Island

Mercer Mann is  a popular  writer from Camino  Island, Florida. She's  now newly married, a published author, and in search  of  a new novel idea.  The  local bookstore  owner, Bruce, introduces  her to Lovely Jackson. She's  the last known descendant of Dark Isle, a small island settled  by freed slaves three hundred years ago. She left Dark Isle at age fifteen, but claims ownership. 

However, Tidal Breeze, a huge corporate developer has plans to build a resort and casino there.  Mercer investigates Lovely's  family story and asks to write the full  non-fiction story.  A non-profit lawyer gets involved to  fight  for  Lovely's rights to her island - it's curse,  her ancestors are buried there, and no white folks have ever landed on that land and lived to tale the tale.    

cover  blurb - The deep  secrets of the past are about to collide with the enormous ambitions of the present, and the  fate of Dark  Isle - and Camino Island, too - hangs in the  balance. 

 I found the  story fairly predictable. Usually, Grisham surprises me with some fresh  twists. Didn't happen with this book.  I could skim and  I was amused, but not afraid of these ghosts. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Whatever Wednesday - Ruth Ware does it again

 Ruth Ware does it again with a high tension thriller.  Five couples on a storm swept island. A killer stalks them. Who "wins"?

One  Perfect Couple is  the name  of a new reality show being filmed.  Lyla, in post doctoral research mode, is  burnt out. Her boyfriend, Nico, is an aspiring actor trying for  a big break. He's sure this reality show is the one. What the  heck - soon they are boating in the Indian Ocean to a tropical paradise. Four  other gorgeous couples will compete for a cash prize. 

But  things just  aren't quite  right.  The "resort" is  half done. The  first challenge proves quite surprising. A  storm wipes  out  electricity, phones, crew,  and more. Santana is limited with her insulin.  Fresh  water runs low. Soon three are dead, then four.  Who  can trust whom? 

I can't write more.  This is  a page turner. Fast paced. Plenty of  intrigue.  Whew! 

Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St. Patrick's Day

 Happy St.  Patrick's  Day!  Tough  to start the  week drinking  green beer. 

Wear  some green, unless you wish to get pinched.  Chase some snakes out of your garden. 

We're all a bit silly  Irish - ye wee lassies and laddies. 

Erin Go  Bragh! 

Friday, March 14, 2025

Finally Friday - Book Club Discussion on The Beautiful Ones

 Tonight if you hear the echo of laughter, it's my PA  ladies and book club time on  a zoom meeting.  

The Beautiful  Ones by Silvia Moreno-Garcia was chosen by Joan.  She  asked her adult ESL class what they  were reading and now we explore a "fantasy of  manners set in a world inspired by the belle epoque". 

cover blurb - In a world of etiquette and polite  masks, no one is who they seem to be. 

Antonina (Nina) is in Loisail for the Grand Season. Valerie Beaulieu is her reluctant mentor. Alas, Nina's telekinetic powers prove to be fodder for  the gossip  season.  Yet, Hector Auvray (telekinetic performer himself) is intrigued by Nina. Time spent together proves difficult for Nina. She's falling  in love, but the elder Hector has a  past history (oops). 

This is a  fancy fantasy romance set against  a glittering  backdrop. The writing and characters are amusing, and there is some unpredictability in the story line.  Unlike  many of our book club  choices, this was a lighter read and entertaining. 

Cheers to your weekend ahead - hope  filled with laughter and old  friends.