Monday, February 20, 2012

Sweet Dreams - A Giveaway Quilt

My wife is not so impressed with my pictures of this quilt.  It does look a lot prettier then the picture makes it out to look.  This quilt was made for the Quilt giveaway (links found on my main page for the giveaway on the top right) This quilt is a striped Rag quilt with a cupcake applique with Rick-Rack around it.  This was designed by my wife and I sewed it together.  The plan for our giveaway is to make 4 diffident quilts and then let the 2 winners each pick the one they want.  Any way I think this quilt turned out wonderful now I have 3 more choices to finish up before the baby is born. The full quilt and more closeups show below.

Linking Too


Belinda said... 1

Very nice Richard, very nice indeed! Whoever wins will surely be thrilled!

Barb said... 2

I love this quilt, it would be fun to make...

Cherie said... 3

Such a cute quilt. Not usually a fan of pink, but this caught my eye.

Elizabeth said... 4

Sew cute! I love the pretty colors and the cupcake theme.

Thank you for linking up!

xo -E

Lisa said... 5

Richard, I hope that baby comes on my birthday. This would look so nice on my chair in the livingroom. I love cupcakes, just to cute. So heres hoping for March 29th at 10:10 am. I cannot remember which of my kids weight I chose probably 9 lbs 14 ozs that was my biggest, she turns 21 on March 5th. They grow so fast, enjoy them before they grow up. I am excited to see your beautiful quilt.

LuAnn said... 6

Love the cupcake quilt. Cute idea!

Anonymous said... 7

That's just a lot of fun! I think you won't get to keep that one. =)

M-R Charbonneau said... 8

Very cute quilt, Richard! Love that rainbow rick rack and who doesn't love cupcakes?! Thanks for linking up to TGIFF!

Cheryl's Teapots2Quilting said... 9

What a fun quilt!

Sarah Craig said... 10

Such a pretty quilt! It looks so soft....

A tip for good photos - take them outside in natural light when you can. It makes all the difference in the world!

Thanks for linking up - whoop whoop!!

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