I wanted a pattern that would highlight the beautiful patterns in the fabric, but with a fun, geometric style, and this just fits the bill.
I am pretty pleased with the layout below, but of course I've worked myself into a dilemma. I have three yards of the most gorgeous floral, that is part of this line. I fully intended to use it for a nice large border, bringing this quilt up to a 70 x 82 size (I'm getting a little tired of my 60 x 60 square quilts.

Of course, dummy that I am, it never occurred to me that my floral border wouldn't work because my "setting" puzzle squares are BRIGHT white, and my floral white yardage isn't white at all, it's CREAM (a pale, very pale cream, but cream, nevertheless.
You probably can't see the difference from the photos, but boy, can you see them when the fabric is held up to the main body of the quilt. Now I'm back to "square one." Pondering a narrow sashing border, with some other border that doesn't "quite" match. Using the floral for the back; saving the floral for another quilt........aargh. I guess the only good thing about this is that I did not "stubbornly" sew on a border, convincing myself that it worked, when I knew it didn't.
What are your "best laid plans" that went astray lately? I am pleased with the basic top; I think it does showcase the fabric as I had hoped. But I had a finished quilt in mind, and that's probably not going to happen the way I "saw it" in my mind.
Guess I'll do a little judicious shopping at Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival tomorrow....the hubby and I are here so he can see some gorgeous long-arm quilting (his first major Quilt Show). Plus, I suspect, we'll do a little shopping. Superior Threads has a booth here, so we're also aiming to beef up our thread collection.
I'll let you know how I solved my dilemma (and am happy to listen to some comments and suggestions, folks).....
I guess we'll call this "Wanderings on Wednesday" since I'm 230 miles from home and wondering what to do next.........
Beautiful! I would do a 2 inch border of a solid that ties in the floral print.... good luck in solving your puzzle.
It's an interesting comment, I did not "stubbornly" sew on a border, convincing myself that it worked, when I knew it didn't.
Earlier in my quilting, I did just that a few times and it doesn't ever "look" better.
I've found that--and there's a quilt backing in my office that reminds of just that--the color in your head and the variations in reality are often so different. I also found that what works in daytime light can be so different at night under the lights. Thank goodness it's a backing, but it still bugs me!
Can't wait to see what you choose.
I would do a narrow black border and then a scrappy border if you have enough of your prints used. Even a piano key border would work, but the floral just does not go - save for another project.
I have finally learned to have some patience and let the quilt "talk" to me a little; sometimes done is NOT better than perfect. Thanks for the comments.
a lovely almost finish and have fun at the quilt show...I have yet to take my hubby to one :) good luck!
It's beautiful! I've just added the pattern to my growing list of quilts I want to try next.
That is very clever and pretty!
I purchased border fabric for a quilt, then purchased the main fabric to match the border fabric. When the quilt center was done, the border didn't look good with it at all. I spent a few weeks going all over in a new city looking for something that would match. I still haven't used that border fabric.
That is a cool pattern - I like how yours is shaping up. If the floral coordinates, using it on the back is a great idea.
It is a beautiful quilt, however you finish it up! Whoop whoop!!
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