
Re-blogging this: Beth Revis: My Biggest Giveaway Ever: Win 29 signed books, 15 ...

Nov 30

Beth Revis: My Biggest Giveaway Ever: Win 29 signed books, 15 ...: Before I do anything else, I want to point out the post I did yesterday : for every sale of  The Body Electric  from now until the end of th...

2K Twitter Follower Giveaway!!

Sep 30

I've reached a new milestone on Twitter, which is hitting the big 2K...of followers, that is. So to celebrate I'm doing a GIVEAWAY at my Wordpress blog. You should check it out. Oh, wait, what's up for grabs, you ask?

These books:

And these lovely swag items:

I Have Another Home!

Jun 12

I should probably have mentioned this a long, long, looong time ago, but I have another home...er, I mean, BLOG, where I'm frequently posting Book Spotlights and occasionally posting STUFF, but anyway, that's where I'm at when I'm not here.

But this blog is not quite dead. It's just sort of floating around, sometimes finding some action, sometimes just good for the archives (there's a ton of pretty fun[ny] posts in here when I was still keen on blogging religiously every week back in the good ole days).

But! If you like me (awww, you do, right?) you might want to check out my other home because it's still me, or part of me, anyway, and I do update that one more often than I do this one (because Blogger hates me sometimes and doesn't like to schedule my posts).

Anyway...here it is:

So, uh, see you there? :)

The YA Club Blog is Live!

Jun 02

Hello, my lovely readers! I've been quiet lately because my youngest had to have surgery to remove his tonsils and adenoids. It's an experience that deserves its own post. For now, I want to direct your attention to a book blog in which I'm a part of.

The YA Club is about books and more books, specifically Young Adult/Teen books. It's a group created by writers, but the focus is solely on reading. We spotlight books we're reading, books we're waiting for, author interviews, book giveaways, and occasionally, we'll fangirl over characters we love, and so on. So come join us for some book love and lots of fun!

From the Who We Are page:
More than thirty years ago, Brian Johnson wrote an epic letter to Mr. Vernon in John Hughes’s now-classic film The Breakfast Club telling him who he and his classmates thought they were. Five students, all from different school cliques, served detention one Saturday in March, initially seeing one another—as Shermer High School’s dean did—as their labels, and not as their identities.

The Breakfast Club resonated with so many teens in the 1980s and over the years since then because of the way it ripped apart those classifications. But decades later, those labels still exist, even though the lines are a little more blurred. Contemporary YA books reflect that (or should). As Brian wrote in his letter that afternoon, “each one of us is a brain and an athlete and a basketcase, a princess, and a criminal.”

That’s who we are.

We are the YA Club.

Come on, you know you want to be cool like us. *winks*

 I designed the header! Isn't it pretty?
Guess which one I am?

Happy Book Birthday to Bethany Crandell and her debut SUMMER ON THE SHORT BUS!

Apr 01

Bethany and I have been friends for I don't know how long. I adore her and I love her funny, quirky books--yes, I'm so lucky to be one of her beta readers. I got to read SUMMER ON THE SHORT BUS before it was published by Running Press, and I immediately fell in love with the characters and the story. For my review, click here (it's on my Wordpress blog. Don't ask me why I have two blogs. I think I may have been sleep-deprived--wait, I'm always sleep-deprived. Never mind. :D )

Anyway, this is Bethany. I call her Shakira-goat. Heh. Isn't she lovely?

And this is her book:

And this is basically how I was while reading her book:

So, do yourself a favor and get thee to a bookstore, or an online bookstore and buy her book! Because everybody needs a little bit of laughter in their lives, right?

Barnes and Noble
Add it on Goodreads

And if you see Bethany, whether in real life or on Twitter, or on Facebook, or while visiting her blog, tell her hello and congrats for making her dream happen. :)

Precy Larkins's books on Goodreads
Winter's Regret: What Might Have Been Winter's Regret: What Might Have Been
reviews: 2
ratings: 4 (avg rating 5.00)



2014 Reading Challenge

2014 Reading Challenge
Precy has read 10 books toward her goal of 50 books.

Blog Archive

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Precy's bookshelf: read

Whispering Minds
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
Night of Cake & Puppets
The Fault in Our Stars
The Return of the King
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
The Last Olympian
The Hundred: Fall of the Wents
Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
The Hunger Games
The Founders' Code
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
The Two Towers
The Book Thief
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
The Lost Hero
The Battle of the Labyrinth

Precy Larkins's favorite books »