It's been FOREVER. I know. I keep thinking perhaps I should just leave it alone. But that darned
determined, never give up spirit of mine. But this time, I'll just say I'll post whenever it hits me. : D
It's Been a Long Time. I Shouldn't Have Left You...
Inspirational Sunday
I have a "Letters from God" journal where I keep any promise of God I come across in the Bible. These promises bring me so much comfort, especially when I remember that God has never gone back on a promise and He never will. Never. So for Inspirational Sunday, I'd like to post those promises. May they bring you as much comfort as they have brought me.
Letter #1
My child,
Are you tired? Weary? Weak? Then put your hope in Me. I will give you strength when you are weary and power when you are weak. If you are tired, I will renew your strength. You will soar like eagles. You will run without growing weary and walk without growing faint. All you need to do is put your trust in Me.
Love, your Father
(Isaiah 40:29,31)
My Father,
Yes, I am tired, weary, and weak. I don't have the energy to go on. But I thank you that I can find my strength in You. You have promised that, if I put my hope in You, I will be strengthened and given power. Thank you for giving me eagle's wings. Thank you for giving me the strength to go on. Thank you for allowing to run and walk this race called life without growing weary or faint. Thank you!
Love, Your princess
Posted by Unknown on Sunday, May 25, 2014 at 12:00 AM
Labels: Bible, God, God's Promises, Inspiration, Inspirational Sundays, Jesus
It's Been a Long Time....
So, it's been awhile since I last posted. A long while. As in "over a year" while. What can I say? I've definitely fallen behind on many important things. But hopefully, I'm back.
I may or may not post as much as I'd like to, but I will post. I miss blogging. It helps keep my creative juices flowing.
Although, do people even blog anymore?
Anywho, I'm back for the time being. Back to share my all-around awesomeness. Hehe.
So stay tuned...
Random Thought Thursday
I'm beginning to think that living here in Abu Dhabi is hazardous to my health. Or at least it would appear that way.
I write this on the last leg of yet another sickness. This week, I've been miserable: coughing, sneezing, fever, chills, sore throat, no voice...the works. I honestly think I had a relapse from last week. I went to the doc last week when it first began. Doc offered two or more days off work, but I only took one. I got the meds prescribed, but I didn't take them as often as told. Then, instead of taking the 3-day weekend to rest, I went to Sri Lanka instead.
The result? Being sick this whole week. I hate being sick. I couldn't even enjoy the three days off work my doc gave me this week cos I was sick. BLEH!
I've been sick while living here more than I've ever been in my entire life. As a child & teen, on days I didn't feel like going to school, I'd wish for sickness to overtake me, but to no avail. I rarely got sick. But now? I feel like I'm always sick.
I'm told it's the change in climate: the desert...the sand. It doesn't help that they don't have filters for the vents here. So all the yuckiness floating around the air in my apt, I'm breathing in. YUCK!
Whatever it is, it's making me sick. Literally. It sure does put a dent in things.
Will I find relief? Stay tuned...
Posted by Unknown on Thursday, January 31, 2013 at 8:45 AM
Labels: Abu Dhabi, Desert Living, Health, Wellness
Inspirational Sunday
2012 was an awesome year for me. I did things I only dreamed of doing, went to places I only dreamed of going, and met and befriended some wonderful people. I stepped out of my comfort zone and survived. 2012 also brought challenges that took a lot out of me. Looking back, there are things I would've done differently.
It's ok for me to reflect upon 2012; to remember the blessings as well as the challenges. Both the excitement and challenges of 2012 has helped mold me. But it's NOT ok for me to stay there. The old has gone (2012); the new has come (2013).
I'm so glad I serve a God of new-ness. I know "new-ness" isn't a word, but I'm practicing my creative license and making it one. Haha!
He doesn't leave me stuck with the old stuff. Once I became His, my old life passed away & I became a new creature. No longer am I the dirty sinner, doomed to spend eternity in hell. I am now a blood-washed believer, destined to spend eternity in heaven. Yes, I still sin. Yes, I still make mistakes. But, once I've asked for forgiveness, God casts those sins in the sea of forgetfulness, never to be seen or heard of again.
And what about His new mercies and grace? Do you know what God's grace and mercy are? His grace is giving to us that which we do not deserve. We don't deserve His love, but He gives it to us anyway. We don't deserve his forgiveness, but He gives it to us anyway. We don't deserve His blessings, but He gives it to us anyway. God's mercy is Him withholding that which we do deserve. Because of sin, we deserve to spend eternity in hell. But He gives us the chance to spend eternity with Him in heaven. This year, I'm bound to disappoint God at some time or other. That's a part of being human. But with every new day, comes God's new mercies and grace. And He's got enough to go around for all His children, 365 days.
2012, I didn't do all the things He'd asked me to do, I'm ashamed to admit. I'm not going to make excuses. Whatever the reason, the fact remains that I didn't do them. BUT, thank God this is the year of new chances. He's giving me more time to get things done. He's telling me to keep going. I'm disappointed you didn't do them last year, but I'm giving you another year to get it right. He's a God of second (and third, fourth, fifth, etc) chances. To me, this means He hasn't given up on me (even though sometimes, I want to give up on myself). Here's a new year, Rae. What are you going to do with what I gave you?
My God is good.
So, while I enjoyed 2012 and wish I could've done certain things differently, I choose not to dwell on the past. I plan to learn from it and move on. I'm excited about all that God has planned for me this year...the new adventures, relationships, assignments. I'm excited about experiencing God's new-ness.

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, January 20, 2013 at 5:00 AM
Labels: God, Grace, Inspiration, Inspirational Sundays, Mercy, New Year
Manificent Monday: Laz Alonso

Posted by Unknown on Monday, January 14, 2013 at 9:02 AM
Labels: Cutie Pies, Laz Alonso, Manificent Monday
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year!
Long time no hear from, right? The only excuse I can give is it's been a hectic and tiring first trimester here in Abu Dhabi. But it's over. Done. Khalas ("finished" in Arabic). Thank God! The 2nd trimester has begun. Prayerfully, it won't be as hectic and tiring. Only time will tell. I do plan on catching up on everything I've gotten behind on, including blogging.
So, welcome back my loves! I'm excited seeing what this year will bring me. :D