I am On Colorado Drive. New beginnings and hopes for the transitions in my latest journey in life. I am thankful to God for all his blessings.
Happy New Year 2016!
Hope to see you there!

Monday night my sister got some unsettling news that one of her and her husband's friends was taken into the emergency room because during dinner that evening his speech began to slur. The only thing they determined that evening at the emergency room was that he had internal bleeding in his brain. My sister was naturally frightened. The friend was in a different city for work and they felt helpless being so far away.
By Tuesday morning, after a couple of emergency surgeries and procedures it was discovered he suffered a massive stroke. He was unresponsive and had to be placed on a breathing machine. My sister called me later Tuesday afternoon very upset and crying. Her husband drove to see the friend and with his perspective it didn't look good when he got to see him.
I began telling their friend's story to people at work. My secretary told her church people and they prayed for him at church that evening. I got on FB with my family group and asked for prayer. I truly believed that the more are gathered in prayer, God's good graces will follow.
Miraculously, this morning I got a text from my sister that he opened his eyes. He also was able to recognize his wife. He even had minimal ability to give a thumbs up. He was slowly beginning to respond. Slowly... but he was responding.
Later on Wednesday, my sister and brother in law went to visit with their friend at the hospital. When my brother in law began to talk to him, he opened his eyes and stared right at him. He squeezed my brother in law's hand when asked and even slowly nodded his head when asked whether he knew it was my brother in law.
Doctors are in shock by his rapid responses so soon after his traumatic ordeal.
I'm a testament that the power of prayer works miracles. Wow!
He still has a long road ahead to recover as at this time he continues to be on a breathing machine. So far all the signs point to a positive outcome. Continued prayer is definitely needed as that is what I'll do as well as encourage others to do. I lay here in my bed amazed at the power of prayer. I knew I was right all along. Never did I doubt, but it just became so crystal clear through this episode.