Friday, March 28, 2025

Kickstart Your Weekend: More Witches! More Adventures!

 These people want to keep making a liar out of me.

Both of these have already funded and blown past their funding goals. 

Sickest Witch RPG - Core Rulebook

Sickest Witch RPG - Core Rulebook

Ok this one looks like a lot of fun really. Love the concept, love the art. I am going to have to grab this one.

Sword of the Wyrm’s Bane & Vigilante Subway + 32 FREE PDFS

Sword of the Wyrm’s Bane & Vigilante Subway + 32 FREE PDFS

Mad genius Mark Taormino is back with more Maximum Mayhem! This one looks like fun and it comes with 32 free PDFs. That's a crazy deal.

Yeah...take my money.

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Witchcraft Wednesday: The Left Hand Path

 It's been a bit since I last did this. So, let's get it going. I have a NEW Witch book coming out!

The Left Hand Path - Diabolic & Demonic Witchcraft

What can I say about this one?

Well, I think this will be my last "Basic-era" witch book. Yeah, I have said that before. 

You can see on the cover that the "banner" is for "Basic-Era Compatible," so not specifically Labyrinth Lord, Blueholme, Old-School Essentials, or ShadowDark. But rather a Basic system that can support them all (most of all) including a BECMI game I have been playing off and on for a bit.

All my witch books have a ruleset focus, as well as what I call a playstyle focus. This one is for all Basic rules, and the playstyle is how I was playing in 1985-86.  A time when the games I ran still had a bit of Basic & Expert in them, but I using AD&D.  This one is written from a point of view that we got that B/X Companion rules we had been promised. In the 1980s I wasn't playing BECMI yet.

I am also writing this from the perspective of the two major outbreaks of the Satanic Panic. The First was obviously the Witch Craze in Europe from the 15th century to the 18th. Witches in this book engage in activities that people believed witches did back then. I am also using notions from the 20th century Satanic Panic. D&D and Witches have always had a lot in common. 

And this one is huge. Here is a breakdown of the monsters and spells.

Monsters in the Left Hand Path

Spells in the Left Hand Path

One of the reasons this has so many monsters in it is the notion that where there are witches, there are demons and devils. Additionally, I have many demons that I've posted here on The Other Side; this was an opportunity to collect them. Yes, I still want to complete my Basic Bestiaries; I just lack enough artwork.

As far as demons and devils go, I'll say I have the Usual Suspects here and lots of my own.

"The Usual Suspects" Demon Line-up JE Shields art
"The Usual Suspects" Demon Line-up JE Shields art

I am certainly going to be talking about this one a bit over the next month.

My target release date in Walpurgis Night, April 30, which is five weeks from right now. Yikes!

All the writing is done. I am in heavy edit mode now.

I am on "pink" pages now
I am on "pink" pages now

Did I mention that this thing is huge? No idea on total page count yet. That will change a lot between now and then, but this is crazy. 

I really hope you enjoy this one. I have had a blast working on it. 

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The Satanic Panic: 1969 - 1999

 A little project I am working on. This is an overview/timeline of the Satanic Panic in the last 30 years of the 20th Century and how our little hobby is connected.

An Introduction the Satanic Panic

Click to access my H5P site and interact with this timeline (technically an "accordion.")

Enjoy a little (emphasis on little) history lesson.

Monday, March 24, 2025

Gary Con XVII Afterword

 Back from Gary Con 17! I had an absolute blast. Got to see so many great people. Old friends, fans of the blog and my games, so many great gamers with great stories.  Sales wise, we did really great this year, Thirteen Parsecs was our big hit of course, but we also sold a lot of Wasted Lands. I think word of mouth is finally catching on!

Gary Con 17 badge

I bought a lot less this year, only picking up the Cthulhu by Gaslight Investigator's book. But there was a lot of great stuff here.

Discovered there are editions of Dungeon! I do not own, Spanish and German. So now I am on a hunt for those.

Spanish language Dungeon, "Calabozo"

Spanish language Dungeon, "Calabozo"

German language Dungeon, "Verlies"

I do speak both Spanish and German. Just not very well.

I worked on my old-school autograph collection.

Jeff Grubb

Zeb Cook

Ed Greenwood & Jeff Grubb

Tim Kask

Erol Otus

I learned the hard way a while back if you want to talk to these guys you need to do it now. None of us are getting any younger.

Talking with Tim Kask is always great. I discovered there is a bit of early D&D lore connected to our Alma Mater, Southern Illinois University, that I plan to explore in depth soon. Talking with Jeff Grubb is always great, this is the first year I thought to get his autograph! So much for following my own advice. 

Jeff Easly and Darlene were there, and they were fantastic as always. I didn't get anything signed from them this year since I do every year. Let someone else in.

I did get a chance to talk to Kelsey Dionne a couple of times and she is every bit as nice and approachable as everyone has said she is. She even knew about my witch book! So I had to give her a copy. They had a great con, I fully expect they sold out of their stock as well.  It is hard not to wish them all the success in the world, really. 

Shadowdark Witches

As I said, we did good, but Jason did better with Troll Lords Games. His new Wasted Lands sold out of its first printing and was the star of Troll Lords this year. So expect to see him to be writing for them for a long time to come. 

Amazing Adventures

Amazing Adventures

My oldest went with me and did not but play AD&D 1st Ed. We had a BECMI game one night but we were both so tired we opted to drive home instead. Yeah, I still drive into Gary Con every day. My youngest with with us the last day, but didnot stay, they were picked up by their girlfriend and they spent the day in downtown Lake Geneva while we did the con.

So yeah, we all had a complete blast!

My wife was in England that whole time, lucky (for her) when she booked her trip she flew out of London City Airport and not Heathrow. So she was not affected by the fire at Heathrow, save for her flight being delayed a little.

Looking forward to Gary Con XXVIII next year!

Friday, March 21, 2025

Kickstart Your Weekend: Castles, ShadowDark, Witches and More Witches

 Still at Gary Con, having a great time. A few more Kickstarters from some good souls. They honestly don't need my help, but here they are all the same.

Castle Zagyg Galleries of the Arch Mage

Castle Zagyg Galleries of the Arch Mage

Long story short, this is the real Castle Greyhawk brought to us from Gary Gygax via Troll Lord Games. You know you want this. 

Shadowdark RPG: The Western Reaches Setting

Shadowdark RPG: The Western Reaches Setting

At the time of writing this is at $1.6 Million. Not too shabby, and they are crazy popular here at Gary Con. 

25th Anniversary of Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose Issue!

25th Anniversary of Tarot, Witch of the Black Rose Issue!

Jim and Holly are good friends of the Other Side. This is the 25th anniversary of their little comic that could, Tarot Witch of the Black Rose. This Kickstarter is doing well already, but I would love to see it do even better.

SPELL BOUND vintage witchcraft occult 1960s 1970s art

SPELL BOUND vintage witchcraft occult 1960s 1970s art

Okay, how could I not love this? Witchcraft covers from the 1960s and 1970s? It's like it was custom-made for me. How could I not love this?

So lots of great choices here. Spend wisely!

Thursday, March 20, 2025

Gary Con XVII

 I am at Gary Con!

Come by the Elf Lair Game booth to say hi. Both #119.

Elf Lair Games

We have NIGHT SHIFT, Wasted Lands, Thirteen Parsecs, and Jason's newest one Cd8.

Come on by, say hi, buy some books.

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

Witchcraft Wednesday: Trese (2021)

 I just watched the Netflix series Trese. I really, really enjoyed it—more so than I was expecting to. 

I also watched a documentary about the show, which increased my appreciation.

The show focuses on the magic detective Alexandra Trese. She was inspired by detectives like Constantine and Fox Mulder and based on Filipino myths and legends.  

My knowledge of Filipino myths is, well, not great. Maybe better than most, but certainly by no means great. But this show does not penalize people for not knowing. The story-telling and animation are so rich and evocative that you are brought along for the ride. 

The documentary covers not just the monsters featured in the anime (and the comic) but also the locations in Manila. Also nearly everyone involved in the show was Filipino which is rather cool.  Also, they tend to refer to characters with AD&D alignments which was fun.

Of course, there is the big question about Alexandra Trese. Is she a witch? Well, she does use magic; she is the 6th child of a 6th child. She is also a healer and the representative of humans to the supernatural world. She even has a ritual dagger. Plus, she wears all black, her hairstyle reminds me of devil horns, and her name, "Trese," means "Thirteen" in Filipino. 

While it is not an anime per se (it is Filipino, not Japanese), it does have a solid Witch Hunter Robin vibe to it.

Now I need to check out the comics for it. 

Of course, it would be perfect to build for NIGHT SHIFT. Alexandra could be better suited as a Chosen One with some spell-casting ability.