This heritage listed building is located along Lackey Street, in the inner west suburb of Summer Hill. It has shops on the ground floor with residences above.
Linked to: Signs, Signs, Words Welcome, Little Things Thursday, Thankful Thursday.
The Forbes Hotel is located on the corner of York Street and King Street. This heritage listed pub was designed by Sherrin and Hennessy architects and built in 1901 in the Federation Anglo Dutch style. Alterations to a design by M.E. Ross and Rowe were made in 1934. The building was extensively renovated in the late 1980s, when the upper floors were converted from bedrooms to restaurants and bars. The pub has been closed since 2017 and has been awaiting a new lease on life.
Linked to: Wordless Wednesday, My Corner of the World, Communal Global.
This view across the Georges River to Tom Uglys Bridge at dusk is from the balcony of the St George Motor Boat Club, in the southern suburb of Sans Souci.
Linked to: Skywatch Friday.