Sunday, June 29, 2014

Sunday June 29th

 I have had 3 Chipmunks spending time beneath my bird feeders. I don't think this one can possibly get any more sunflower seeds in his pouches.
 Maple leaves forming have the most beautiful red color.
 On my way home from the feed mill I saw this Amish mother  and her 4 kids. The two in the stroller are crowded because she also has two huge hanging baskets of flowers on the side of the stroller, beside groceries of some kind, and drink bottles in the back. The two older kids are rollerblading. I actually took this picture through my side rearview mirror.
 One pair of my homing pigeons have decided to nest in the rafters of the barn, and these are their first offspring. I really don't have room for any more, but The parents won't come back to their pen inside. sigh
 Chicory is in full bloom, and it is one of my summer time favorite flowers.
A neighbors Belgian horses have stood in this spot under a mammoth big evergreen tree forever, and now that the tree has been cut down, the horses still continue to stand there.
It's been a hot and wet Spring and Summer so far. My trails are overgrown and difficult to mow. Also right now the black bugs and mosquitoes are so bad, it isn't a good idea to venture outside for long. I try not to complain though after that long and bitterly cold winter.
Have a great week everyone.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Spring is finally here.

Walking along one of my trails the other evening, I spied this Cecropia moth. It is quite large, and even without it's winds fully open, still is very impressive. I haven't seen one before. It stayed on this branch for 3 days, and when I looked today it had gone.

Early this morning my good friend and neighbor Cindy saw this mature Bald eagle on her morning walk. I was lucky to get a few shots. It never gets old, and I will try to get pictures every time I see one.

I have a pair of Bluebirds nesting in my back yard. I put a coon guard on the post that holds the house, and hope this year there will be babies.

After the brutal winter we had I was doubtful that my Azalea and Rhodie would get any flowers at all, but as you can see I was pleasantly surprised.
It's been a very busy Spring. As you probably know my son Steve and I sell eggs. At present we have 80+ laying hens, and in the last 2 weeks got 132 baby chicks in the mail. It is always busy taking care of them, plus I also have Pigeons, Bantam chickens and now 2 young goats in my barn. In future posts, I'll put pictures of them all on the blog.
I hope things are going well for everyone. Take care.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Monday and a trip to Lake Erie, Pa

On Monday I took my sister on a belated birthday gift trip around Erie, Pennsylvania. Being right on Lake Erie our first stop was the channel, that lets the boats and ships out from the bay to the lake. This Great Blue heron was eagerly waiting for a fish from this man, but while we were there he didn't get any.

                                 The poor guy looks rather thin I think. He sure could use a few fish.
Down at the foot of State street in Erie, there is a tall bicentennial tower, and this is a shot looking South toward the city from the top of the tower.

Driving around the peninsula, there is a really cool place to eat called Sara's. All retro 1950's décor. That is the front of the counter. They have red covers over the outdoor table area roof for cool weather and they are mostly red, so it's difficult to get any pictures without it. During the summer, you can't get close to this place, it's so busy.
At the entrance to the Presque Isle is Waldameer Amusement and Water park. There they have the Ravine Flyer, a huge wooden roller coaster. Waldameer is the 4th oldest amusement park in Pennsylvania. Yesterday they were doing a test run with the coaster empty. They will be opening soon for the summer, and were also testing a number of the other rides.
I think Spring finally has arrived. I saw my first Baltimore and Orchard Orioles yesterday. Pictures soon.

Thursday, April 24, 2014


My little Bantam hen Marigold hatched out 3 chicks on Easter Sunday. They are adorable, and I sure won't have trouble remembering their birthdays.
I took a walk on the creek trail this afternoon, and really didn't see much. The skunk cabbage is out and some wild onions. That was all. Not even any wildlife. We've had some warm days, but no warm rain yet, and Tuesday we had snow again, so things are still hibernating I guess.
Hope all is going well for everyone.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Thursday morning

Wednesday evening as the moon came into view. I ran out and in the dark to take this picture, and had to squeeze between the split rail fence and a big Spruce tree. Then all night I felt like there were bugs in my hair..
Thursday morning, and the beautiful sunrise. It's still cold, 27 deg. and with the gusty wind it sure seems much colder. I still have the wood stove going.
I haven't had Purple finches all winter, but a few pairs have showed up now.
The Goldfinches have finally gotten some of their summer colors. I love these birds, and have lots!
Have a wonderful day everyone.

Sunday, April 13, 2014

Sunday morning and the creek trail.

Most of these shots were taken along the creek trail I walk. It is a gorgeous day, although really windy, and a good time to survey the damage done after the ice jam on the creek this winter. This is the creek looking West, or downstream. That tree leaning over the water is a Sycamore tree, and has been leaning like this for many years.
Looking upstream or East.
The resting bench had gotten twisted from being hit with ice chunks. It sits not far from the water, but right in the path when the creek gets high.
The only wildlife I saw were these two male Mallard ducks.
Another shot looking downstream.

So much silt, and I did see the wild onions beginning to emerge. They are really tasty!
No Skunk Cabbage yet.
Sometimes it's not a good idea to walk on this trail during high winds. Limbs can fall and crack your noggin..lol

On the upper trail that is on higher ground, the ground hogs are busy constructing new burrows.
This dead tree is a great place for the woodpeckers. I have yet to see which kind though.
I posted this on Facebook, but if you didn't see it, I checked on one of my birdhouses, and out fell a mama mouse with two of her babies, apparently nursing because they hung on as they all dropped to the ground. I'll check again later when they are older.
I hope everyone is having a wonderful day.

Thursday, April 10, 2014


Finally the weather has moderated here, and I think maple syrup season was a big success. Many sugar houses were really up and running full time this season.
I took this picture the other morning on my walk with my dog, and the sun shining on the trees and the ground made everything take on a reddish tint. We got rain later that day.
It doesn't take much warm sun to get the little Crocuses to pop out of the dirt. Spring is on the way for sure, although we are still having cool mornings.
These are my granddaughter's Mallard ducks, and they have been in the barn all winter. The other day when I was doing some cleaning over there and had the door open, they flew up over their pen and got out. Now they are in the over flow from French creek and so happy, but I'm concerned that something will get them . They are tame, and can't fly very far or very fast. I'll keep watching out for them.