Anyway on with it . . .
1. Do you like chili? Red or white? Beans or no beans? Spice or no spice? Toppings?
I like red chili. I'm not sure I even know what white chili is and/or if I've had it. Yes beans... isn't that what makes it chili? A little spice is good and a bit of cheddar cheese on top makes it even better.
2. Red~Orange~Gold...your favorite fall color?
I like all these colors together. That's what makes it Fall, after all.
3. Who did you idolize when you were growing up?
You know, I really can't recall idolizing anyone. I mean, I was super into David Cassidy when I was 11 or 12 ish but I don't think I idolized him. Oh and I did have a thing for Sally Field as Gidget. Ha.
4. When was the last time you did something 'arts and craftsy'? Share please.
Well, I'm in the midst of being all crafty with a project to make Son #1 a piece of art work for his apartment. I was just discussing this with Debbie who had some suggestions on how to finish it so I'll be taking it over to her house so she can
5. What's a place that makes you really nervous?
I believe I have shared here before how
6. Horse back riding...yay or nay (neigh?)
Nay and neigh.
7. What is your favorite cliche?
Well, I'm not sure I would call it a favorite but it's probably the one I say the most and that would be ~ For Pete's sake. Then there's . . . All's fair in love and war. . . except that I usually change war to whatever is appropriate in the moment.
8. Insert your own random thought here.
Debbie and Ipicked up where we ended off yesterday and shopped for an upcoming bridal shower today. Ugh. So confusing. I think we waited too late in the day to do this so after thinking I was going to be so clever in my gift purchase I ended up with something on the bride's registry. Ha. I know that's what the registry is for but I like to think outside the box. Oh well. I've decided I'm not a fan of themed showers. I like to get what I like want to get. I guess it's not about me. Bother.
On a bright note though we did have lunchagain at our usual favorite, Nordstrom Cafe where our usual waitress and long time family friend imparted her wisdom usually in the form of a tad racy joke
upon us and happened to serve us our lunch also. Ha.
We love Marge.
And the food is good too.
Debbie and I
On a bright note though we did have lunch
upon us and happened to serve us our lunch also. Ha.
We love Marge.
And the food is good too.
I'm just sayin'

Wondering what white chili is too!!
I know Sally Field was Gidget, but don't really remember that. Was it before or after The Flying Nun?
I do the same thing with "All's fair in love and ?
My word verification makes me laugh...pustmom.
White chili gals usually consists of chicken and a white bean, I use great northern in my recipe. it is really is quite good. Google a recipe and try it on for size this Fall, I am sure you will love it. Extra good with corn chips.
White chili is essentially chicken, white beans, usually some diced chilies and chicken broth...its good.
I've started taking Advil before I go to the dentist. I could probably use therapy there too : )
Hi Carrie...
It feels like it's been FOREVER! I'm just doing my best to hold down the fort. Hope you've been well! I am a huge fan of chili...about any way it comes! Makes me know that Fall is in the air!
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