August 25, 2011

birthday gifts . . .

One of my nephews had a birthday last week, and this is a scripture tote I made for him. My oldest daughter picked out the fabric and approved of the design.
Then a birthday invitation came home for a little girl and an apron was made. This time my middle daughter picked out the fabric and trim, and specified the need for a flower to embellish it. Maybe it's time to get a kids sewing machine for my helpers . . .
I'm off to tidy the house for the babysitter, so hubby and I can enjoy a night out to celebrate our 11th wedding anniversary!


Heather said... # 1

What a cute apron and the bag is perfect! Happy anniversary...enjoy your evening out. My husband and I will be celebrating 11 years in just over a month.

Ginette V said... # 2

Happy Anniversary!!!!

Laura said... # 3

Both gifts are adorable. Happy anniversary. 27 for me in a little over a week.

Joe and Julianne said... # 4

do you have a pattern or tutorial for that scripture bag? SOOO Cute!
juliannebroox (at) gmail

Sue said... # 5

Love the gifts, they are super cute! Happy Anniversary! Wishing you many more happy years together. :)

Sarah Craig said... # 6

You did an awesome job with both gifts! Whoop whoop!!

Connie Kresin Campbell said... # 7

What wonderful gifts! Great job!

Megan said... # 8

Great gifts and happy anniversary! :) Thanks for linking up to {Sew} Modern Monday and have a great week!

Amy said... # 9

I love the fabric for the Bible cover :)

Your daughter made a great choice