Apple in Your Eye

Copyright Photo: Downtown Montreal - Apple Store - Ste. Catherine by Montreal Photo Daily, on Flickr

According to a CBC News item, the U.S. Treasury Department reported that Washington now has a total operating balance of only US$73.768-billion. Compare that to Apple's current cash reserve of US$75.876-billion. What's wrong with this picture? .......... Apple has more cash than Uncle Sam

For the first time, I'm participating in James' "Weekend Reflections". Hope this works!

I will be taking a leave of absence for a short while. However, I do intend to drop by and post comments on your blogs from time to time. I've met some really nice folks in the CDP community and have had lots of fun. I know I will miss you all. Good-bye for now, and keep on blogging! :-)

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Leif Hagen said...

Great APPLE store snap - looks huge! We go to the Apple store at our nearby "Mall of America," 2nd largest mall in North America only to Edmonton's mall!
N'arrete pas! N'arrete pas!
Bonjour d'Eagan

Kate said...

Scary, How about dem Apples!!

Greensboro Daily Photo said...

Apple stores are amazing places to hang out. Maybe they could give just a little to Uncle Sam, if he promises to spend it wisely! Thanks for pointing that out.

I can't believe you are going on break. Do stop by GDP when your return so that we'll know you are back. In the meantime, we'll miss those ego-boosting, motivating comments you leave. You are so right about how much thought went in to the composition of our photo today. I looked like an idiot backing up and pulling forward in that parking lot-- just to get the right reflection!

Hope your BREAK is for good/happy things.

Janis & Dave

Arija said...

The budget imbalance between a single company and the whole of the US is certainly cause for reflection.

I do hope you will come back again to post more beautiful scenes of Montreal or anywhere else.

Until then, bonne chance!

Rob Siemann said...

Yeah, heard about it. Big apple pie!!! Happy holidays to you!

Judy said...

Sometimes it boggles the mind!
Have a good break!

Anonymous said...

It's a neat reflection. I'd like to see the new store in NYC

RedPat said...

We will miss you Ken! Hope you are off for some fun.
Apple seems to do better than most governments - maybe it should be Steve Jobs for president?

'Tsuki said...

A little apple lost in the big apple ? A geek reflection for the weekend, sweeeet !

irinapictures said...

I wish you great weather during the vacations!

Randy said...

Great reflection. Yes the state of our economy is a sad situation but as Bobby McFerrin would say "Don't worry, Be Happy!"

Have we worn you down already? I hope you enjoy your break, I'll miss your daily visits. Stop by when you can.

Sivinden said...

Interesting picture!

Birdman said...

... the way of the world... these day. Sheeesh!

Halcyon said...

Very nice reflection! I won't say anything about American politics. It's so tiring. :S

Tash said...

The Apple stores are so sleek & photogenic. Lovely shot.
Ha-ha on your blurb! And Apple gets their cash the honest way!

Tash said...

PS - enjoy your time off... Meanwhile, I'll get to know Montreal thru your posts.

NatureFootstep said...

there is a lot of things going on in that window. :)

Anonymous said...

Excellent reflection. Apple certainly isn't bashful. I like your photos of Old Montreal. Very nice.

Kaori said...

I like all the bright colored tshirts everyone is wearing in there! Apple sure does make a statement. Who would have thought, huh? ;D

Hope you're having a great time!

Lew said...

Great reflection and insight into Apple! And you have several great posts on Montreal!

Rae Walter said...

Great post. Hope it's not too long before you are back from your break. Best wishes, Rae

EG CameraGirl said...

Hmmmm. Somebody is doing something right and someone is....

Joe said...

Who ever thought that a Company named after a piece of fruit would be worth so much.

Chrissy Brand said...

A good reflection. Have fun on your time off and do keep commenting, and come back soon!


Pearson Report said...

Your photos are amazing - I take photos of my walk-abouts here in Vancouver!

I added myself to your Followers as I will be coming back to take a tour of Montreal through your eyes.

Back in 2004 I took my daughter to Ottawa and then on to Quebec City. We were to stop in Montreal, but our train was derailed and we were bussed directly to Quebec City - so we never made it to Montreal.

One day though, one day...

In the meantime, I'll start here!

And...knowing what it's like to need a break I hope you are enjoying your time away and I look forward to reading you when you return.

Cheers, Jenny

Genie -- Paris and Beyond said...

Hi Ken,

Just popping in to say hello and hope that you are enjoying your time off. I miss seeing your account of Montreal and look forward to your return.
