"The trick is to enjoy life. Don't wish away your days, waiting for better ones ahead." ~Marjorie Pay Hinckley

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Headbands

I was out and saw some really cute girl headbands. I looked at the price tag and saw five dollars a headband. I said, "What? I can make that." With using supplies from what I already had in my closet I was able to sew up seven headbands for nothing. I like that. Using what I've got to make something practical and cute. 
 I made a pattern from a wide headband. Then I measured around the head for a complete headband measurement. There are 5 pieces. Two pieces for the band, two pieces for the strap and one elastic piece to be inserted into the strap.
 Quite elementary and satisfying to sew. 
The worst part? The turning out of the strap and band. 
Inside trick? Sew a few stitches on the end of one piece of the band then pull your thread longer than the band length. 
Tuck it in between the two band pieces right sides together. 
Then sew down the sides of the band, leaving the ends open.
Take your long thread you tucked away 
and use that to pull the band right side out. 
Do the same for the strap. 
Fold in the ends of the band. Thread the elastic through the strap. 
Place straps inside of the folded band ends. 
Then sew and reinforce stitch in place.
 Make sure you have enough elastic in the strap 
to fit comfortably around the head. 
If the headband is too tight...no one will want to wear it.
 Ta da. Easy as pie.
Finished in a blink. And oh so darling!


  1. what a pretty idea! Thanks for sharing. *visiting from Delightful Order*

  2. Mahalo! I love how the headband keeps the hair out of their faces. Perfect for summer weather.

  3. I love projects that cost $0. These headbands are so practical and look great. One to match every outfit. I would love for you to share this (and any other hair accessories), at my ongoing linky for Hair Accessories...


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I believe that every person is born with talent.
Maya Angelou