Without further ado.. here is what I'm calling my Martini and Olive Apron 'cause it's just been that kind of week.. And this apron is SO stylish it makes me want to have a cocktail party!
What do you need?
* Yellow fabric- 20"x27", 4"x17", and (2) 4"x36" pieces
* White fabric - 4"x52", 13"x30", (3) 3"x36", and (2) 4"x36"
* 2 packages of single fold bias in light grey
How long do you need?
Around 2 hours. This is a little time consuming with all the ruffles, but what it takes in time it gives back generously in style! However, if you don't like to sew (faints!) or don't know how, Anthro's price tag of $32.00 is very reasonable.. But you love to sew and you want to make it yourself,right? Right!
What do you do?
Grab your large yellow piece 20"x27". On the two 20" sides and one long 27"side, fold up 1/4" and press. Do it one more time to cover those raw edges and sew close to the fold.
Increase your stitch length and baste the remaining 27" long side. Gently gather and set aside.
Okay, now you have 2 options.
A.) If you have a ruffler foot.
Stitch a scant 1/4" lengthwise along the raw edges and then run through your ruffler on level 6 (6 stitches for every ruffle). I sew the raw edges first because they can slide in your ruffler foot.
B.) If you don't have a ruffler foot.
Set a long stitch length. Sew 1/4" lengthwise along the raw edges. Do it one more time right by the last seam. You will gently gather this by hand. The extra row will decrease your chances of the thread breaking while you gather, but still be gentle!
Lay your ruffles on the long side of the hemmed yellow piece. You want to lay the raw edges of the ruffles on the right side of the long hemmed 27" bottom of apron (not on the gathered edge! that is for your waist ties). Sew these together and press.
Your bottom is done! On to the top...
Grab your white piece that measures 13"x30". This is your bodice. With right sides together, fold it half lengthwise so that now it measures 13"x15". Press.
Serge or sew the two 15" long sides and turn back out to the right side. Set aside.
Now it's time to make those ruffles for the bodice. You will need the (3) pieces of 3"x36". You have two options.
A.) If you have a serger.
Serge all the sides of all 3 pieces.
B.) If you don't have a serger.
You will need to clean up those long edges. Fold up 1/4" on each long side and sew close to the fold.
And now you have another option..
A.) If you have the ruffler foot.
Run the 3 pieces through the ruffler on level 6. You will stitch down the center of the pieces, not on either side.
B.) If you don't have a ruffler foot.
Set a long stitch length. Stitch down the center of the strips. Gently gather.
Pin the 3 ruffles to bodice.
Time to make our halter ties. I did mine WAY too small, so in the picture it will look smaller than what you make.. Do as I say, not as I did..
Take your (2) 4"x36" white pieces. With right sides together, serge/sew the 2 long sides. On one of the short sides, cut it at 45 degrees and serge/sew. Through the remaining open short side, pull the ties out to the right side. Press.
Pin your ties to the top of the bodice. I pinned mine under both ruffle sides, you can pin yours wherever you like best. Now top stitch all the edges of the bodice, being sure to stitch the halter ties to the bodice.
Whew.. Your almost done! Time to make your apron ties and pull it all together.
With right sides together, pin the bodice bottom to the gathered edge of the apron. Sew/serge together.
Take your 4"x17" of yellow fabric. With wrong sides together, fold in half lengthwise and press so that it now measures 2"x 17". Get your grey bias and fold over both long edges. Sew down the center of grey bias (be sure your yellow fabric is sandwiched in there!) Set aside.
Take your (2) 4"x36" of yellow fabric.With wrong sides together, fold in half lengthwise and press so that it now measures 2"x 36". On one of the short sides, cut it at 45 degrees. Get your grey bias and fold over the 2 long edges & the 45 degree end ( you will be making a long U) Sew down the center of grey bias (be sure your yellow fabric is sandwiched in there!)
Sew the raw edges of the apron ties to one end of the bodice strip. Sew the other apron tie to the other side of the bodice strip.
Pin the bodice strip centered between the bodice and apron. Sew in place.
So cute! I like your version better! The floral is so much better than the solid yellow. :)
This is adorable! I agree with Sarah B, I like your version better! I'm stopping by from the Sew Dang Cute Crafts link up. Good luck!
This looks so great & professional. I love getting inspiration from Antro. Darling blog too!
Warmly, Michelle
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