For the next three challenges at "Take Time for You" I was chosen to be a guest designer. The subject this week is "other card form" and, therfore I have tried a Pop-up Card. It is really quite easily and quickly done - actually the coloration of the motive lasts longest. I have used here for a long time once more my Twinklings. This gentle glitter and shimmer fitted so well to the small fairy. This card my daughter has got for her 7th birthday and she has been glad very much about it - now it stands as a deco in her room.; o)Liebe Grüße - hugs,

Truly Scrumptious (Anything goes), Stampavie & more (Summer), Simon Says (Sparkle & Shine), Mo's DP2 (Here comes summer), Dutch Dare (Winged Things), Stempelsonne (Geburtstag), Basic Grey (Mix&Match: Urban Prairie & Sultry papers + brads), Totally Gorjuss (Not square), Paper Sundaes (Birthday creations), Sir Stampalot (Magical words)
16 Kommentare/comments °°°°°°°°:
Hallo, würde gerne Deine KArte sehen, leider kommen keine Bilder.
Liebe Grüße
Superschön! Und eine echt interessante Kartenform.
Die kommt sicher auch bei den Bastlern gut an, nicht nur bei der süßen Emily :o)
Hallo Anja,
gratuliere zum Gast-Designer :-)). Deine Kartenform ist toll geworden. Mal sehen, was uns zum nächsten Thema einfällt :-))).
LG von Litta
Its so funny, I saw your profile pic and I thought it was two barbie dolls. LOL Wonderful card! I love the unusual shape and the exquisite coloring. I’m so glad you could join us at Mo’s!
Love the pop up card! Very creative! Love the way it folds up too! Thank You so much for joining us at Dutch Dare this week!
wow, wunderschön, sowohl die Coloration als auch das Papier, genial, ganz ganz toll
Eine wunderschöne Karte! Die gefällt mir sehr.
Vielen Dank für deine Teilnahme an der Stempelsonnenchallenge.
LG Dreja
Fantastic caard Anja, I love the design - I have one on my to make list if I ever get round to it!!
Fabulous use of the different papers and such beautiful colouring of Mo's adorable image.
So glad you could join us at Basic Grey,
Heather xx
Your card is beautiful and so imaginature.
But sadly it is not eligible for Stampalot challenge as our rules (on sidebar and under Mr L) allow a max six combined challenges.
I do hope you can enter again with some more of your lovely work.
B x
Great fairy pop up card. Love the colours;) Thanks for playing at TG this week. Bettina
Wow, this is gorgeous. Love the pop up card. Thanks for playing at TG. Marianne
die ist ja wunderschön geworden , toll gemacht .....Vielen lieben Dank fürs Mitmachen bei Stempelsonnenchallenge......
Love your card. thanks for joining us at truly Scrumptious this week
Sommerlich, fröhlich, bunt... gefällt mir supergut!
Liebe Grüße
Cute image!! I like how she & the bubbles are colored too : )
Thanks so much for entering the Simon Says Stamp Challenge!!!
Great card ! Just love the image you have used - soooo cute !
Thank you for joining us at BasicGrey Challenges and Simon Says Challenge this week.
Jo x
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