Quick, quick. The Modern Country tour bus is leaving any second.
Tour bus, you say? What tour bus is that of which you speak?
Well, today I thought I'd take you on a little tour of my home.
You coming? Fantastic!
I was getting lonely all my myself.
Hop on the tour bus, and let's get this baby on the road.

Last time, here at Modern Country Style, we were having a chatteroo about the Belgian look, and how it uses a gorgeous, restricted colour scheme.
{Remember? If not, click here for a quick reminder}
I thought that the easiest way to show you
how I've taken that idea and
tried to make it work in our home is
to show you room by room.
I LOVE the colour scheme that Belgian Style uses: earthy shades of brown, greys, taupes, and off-whites, which draws your eye to the gorgeousness of what lies within the rooms.
But......and it's a biggie......
{Am I the only one now thinking of big butts? I am? Oh....}
....for me, it needs a bit more oomph. Not that I don't love the Belgian interiors I showed you but I prefer rooms where the walls speak to you, as well as the furniture.
I want to notice my walls, not to let them fade into the background.
The greys I've used have a smidgen of green and blue added, can you see? I think it helps to stop these rooms from looking too sombre.....
Sombre is surely never a good look in a boys bedroom....
I've used touches of red throughout the house, as an accent colour.
I love red. So cheery and warm and welcoming.
I completely adore the look that this palette creates.
{Please don't worry if all this talk of palettes confuses you, it's something I want to come back to shortly.}
Guess where I'm off to tomrrow? The Country Living Fair in London with my mum!
{And this time, I'll try to remember my camera. *blush*}
I'm linking to my favourite parties listed in the sidebar.
thanks for the tour Sarah, that was fun. You have a lovely home. Enjoy the fair! ;-)
Please Miss can I live with you? Sarah your home is so beautiful. Plus you are going to THE Fair I am green ( try F&B Churlish Green!) that should suffice.
Your home is just gorgeous and has such a calm feel to it...think I'll make myself comfortable while you're at the fair! :)
I have loved this series of posts on Belgian Style. I never even knew it existed prior to this... and the highlight of it all, was seeing your beautifully put together home at the end. Lx
PS Sorry forgot to ask, can you tell me where you got your table cloth?
Your home is very calming. I so love your wood doors.
Have a great time and yes photo's please.
Lisa x
Sure you can, Susan. It's by Globaltex and called Elsie.
What a lovely tour Sarah. I love the locks on your doors.
They're having the Country Living fair again? Have lots-o-fun :)
Well that was fun! I love your place, so inviting, warm and lots of little hits of 'fun' placed around to keep it all so interesting!
Hi Sara,
I have really enjoyed your posts on Belgian Style. The colors are so soft and tranquil.I love red its my favorite color so your pop of red really adds the sparkle for me.
I look forward to your next post on the country living fair..it sounds wonderful..
Have a sweet day and hugs, Elizabeth
You're so great, my lovely Sarah!
I love your home... it's so welcoming... it feels happy for me. I'm in love with that sewing machine. My grandma had one just like that. That's so beautiful!
I hope you have a great time in London with your mom!
Have a Happy Day!
Luciane at HomeBunch.com
You're so great, my lovely Sarah!
I love your home... it's so welcoming... it feels happy for me. I'm in love with that sewing machine. My grandma had one just like that. That's so beautiful!
I hope you have a great time in London with your mom!
Have a Happy Day!
Luciane at HomeBunch.com
Love the pics of your dining room, Sarah. So calming and serene.
Sorry to hear about your crocheted baby shoe. Positive thoughts coming your way despite your cheeky comment about it being my fault!!
Looking forward to pics of the fair.
Nice place you got there :-) I love your colour schemes and furniture. Just something missing that we have plenty of here- clutter! How do you keep so tidy? Looks like you hardly have any stuff. I got stuff everywhere, you want some? I'm happy to share.
Oh, Sarah, your home is so lovely and warm and welcoming...a perfect reflection of you! :-) I'm pretty sure you are going to have to show us a bit more of your kiddos rooms though, that little tease wasn't quite enough. I would be super jealous of you getting to go shopping with your mum if my own mom wasn't in town visiting!
Have a fabulous time shopping!
I had a lovely time on the tour bus, what a treat!!
I can just feel the love in your home! So beautiful and charming. And your blue-green-greys are so soothing. Your little boy's room is just darling!
Thank you for sharing your lovely home with us, you sweet lass!
Have fun at the fair tomorrow!
(Deal on the rustic turquoise bribery!)
Meera xx
I love the touches of red and your house is just beautiful!
great tour, your home is exquisite. very peaceful. have a great time tomorrow - looking forward to the pics!
Thank you for the tour of your lovely and comfortable home! The Country Living Fair sounds like a wonderful event. Have Fun! Blessings, Pamela
Helloooooo lovely!
I've really enjoyed the Belgian Style series and I bookmarked 3 of your posts so I can refer to them. There are many elements that I would love to recreate in my own home. Our living room leans more toward that style than the rest of our house.
Your home is so beautiful and charming, Sarah! I love the calming color palette with bits of red. The doors and beams in your dining room are gorgeous!
Take lots and lots of pictures of the fair and enjoy your time with mum :)
Oh, not just the doors in your dining room. The entire house...love the locks and handles. You've really paid a lot of attention to detail.
Blessings :)
i love house tours!!! your place is so tranquil and happy, and i could so live there. the door with the glass to the kitchen--brilliant, yes?
do you play the piano? yours reminds me of another GNARLY project coming up: sprucing up our family piano. it's looking saaaaaddddd.
have a great week, Sarah!
Gorgeous! Gorgeous! Gorgeous!! Love it Sarah~ the serene colors are beautiful!! I love the red accents too! :)
Found your blog today and wanted to say hi and that your blog is great! thanks for sharing photos your house is beautiful :)
Enjoy the fair in London.
Bee happy x
Have a delicious day!
Your home is so lovely. I wish I could pop in for tea. Enjoy the fair with your mama. Can't wait to see your photos.
Loved this post, Sarah, I enjoy so much seeing your home. The children's rooms are darling. And your kitchen is so well organized. The colors you chose look great. I don't think I've ever seen a bathroom quite like that, the toilet is very different from the one's I've had. I enjoy your style so much, the touches of England are everywhere too. Beautiful, tami
Sarah, what a nice visit! Its always so much fun to see everyone's real houses! I truly love the way your wall colors glow in the light. Also love those gorgeous knobs on the bedside table.
Thanks for stopping by to check up on me that really touched me thank you,im feeling much better, waiting on a scan very boring girls stuff gone on for what seems like forever & many scans later..yawn I wont bore you. Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather quickly out into the sunshine with your feet up. Love your house its gorgeous I love the English touches with the union jacks my kind of style, Im true to my English roots. The teddy bears look very snug tucked in. Thanks for sharing your home & hope you feel better soon Hugs Sarah xxx
Sarah, I love how you add smidgeons of color, your home is so lovely and inviting!! I hope you have a great time at the CL fair!!
Hmmm. I like the bed under the Dormer (sp) window. I'm not sure how I'm going to make that work in the make bedroom less depressing project, but I'm thinking thinking thinking.
I am rather passionate about red, except when the read is orangish. Then it makes me look like death.
We all see that you love your home!
How are you?
I hope better
a warm embrace
I love your home, Sarah. Fabulous paint colors. I like to use red as an accent color in my house, too. So jealous... have a wonderful time at the Country Living Fair!
Fun tour! I love the look of that quilt with the teddy bear. Totally cuddly and welcoming looking. Always a pleasure!
Such a cozy and stylish home Sarah!!;) Thanks for the tour~Hugs,Rachel
French Farmhouse 425
and after you have done palettes you should share how you keep your home so fab and fresh with four wee ones running around !!your home is beautiful on so many levels - esp enjoy the heritage and brittish touches - best le xox
The fair sounds like so much fun! I wanna go!
I don't think I've seen your kids' rooms. I like your color palette a lot. Your house is so beautiful. :)
I like the wall colours a lot and I like how everything works well together throughout the house. I can't deicide on one look- I think each room in my house will end up totally different! :-) xxx
so pretty!
love the colour on your walls!
gorgeous photos!
happy night, :)
Heya gorgeous girl! I love meandering through your home: resting up against the door frame with my coffee in hand while you tell me about your style. It really is a home in which to linger :) have super fun with your Mumma!!!
Hello dear Sarah,
So glad I could make it on time for the tour bus! And the great "chatteroo" of course. The color on your walls is truly delightful. Not somber, but not bright, it is so perfect for the amount of light that you get, I would venture to say.
I had never noticed the antique sewing machine atop your piano, flanked by the spool lamps. Lovely, perfectly lovely.
Hugs, Cindy
absolutely gorgeous home! I love your color scheme. I am in love with colors that you can't quite name. Grays that look blue or green, love it!
Thanks for taking me along on your tour bus. I was so excited that I got to sit next to you as I didn't want to miss a thing. Did you hear me squeal when I saw the touches of red? I hope the other attendees didn't notice, too badly. Now you're going off with your Mum. I'll miss you. I'll be waiting on the front door step for your return.
Hi Sarah,
Thanks for the tour! I love your soothing colors! And your splash of red. It's my favorite color. I love your fireplace. I would like to have one in every room, please.
Maybe I will do a tour of my home one of these days.
Have fun with your Mum!
Oh yeah a tour....love the touch of red. You are really selling me on the softer colors. Can't wait to see pics of the fair......hint hint....
Very pretty, Sarah!
Love your home - so warm and inviting. Thank you for the tour :)
We were at Country Living yesterday - so much fun! Loved it! Enjoy :)
Sarah, your house looks lovely and you are so lucky to live in such a beautiful place. The village I visited was just around the corner from Stow on the Wold, but I don't know it's name. Stow on the Wold blew my mind...I spied at least a dozen antique shops...so of course I have to sneak back on my own! We are in Buckinghamshire, half way between Buckingham and Milton Keynes (my hubby works in Bletchley). So a trip back to Stow...is only about an hour. Are you nearby or are you closer to Ross on Wye, that's about 2 hours from us. Perhaps we could have a coffee one day...I'll travel far and wide to explore or shop! Robx
Sarah, I am French and love Belgian style. Do you know these collection of small books :
"Ma Déco Le Figaro" ?
Most of them are full of beautiful belgian houses and wonderful photos. You should love them.
They are in French. Maybe you can find them on Amazon ? Or Fnac ?
Let me know if you want more information.
Love your blog.
Have a nice day,
I'm having one of those uh-huhhhh... moments where it's all starting to come together...yes, yes...I'm getting it now... how to take bits and pieces and add it to your own style! Thanks for taking us for a wander through your gorgeous home and showing us how you've added the Belgian touch here and there...just lovely.
Have fun at the fair...bring us back some wonderful ideas ; )
Alison xx
Your home is so serene, but full of personality, too. Have fun at the fair--take us on a tour of it when you come back, okay :) ?
Your home is so beautiful my friend, thank you for the tour! I love the reds and teddy on the bed is adorable! :)
Have fun with your mum!!! Can't wait to hear all about your day!
Thanks for the bus tour Sarah! Your home is so cozy and calm...love it :) Your laundry/mud room is to die for!! And can I tell you how jealous I am that you are going to the CL fair?! Im green.....
Thank you for letting us into your home. So calm and I love the pops of red. Have so much fun tomorrow. Can't wait to see pictures..:)
Have fun!!!
I know you will
find a lot of
treasures and a
lot of inspiration,
as well. I'm
heading back to your
post to read more
about your greys.
I want to repaint
our master in a
pretty bluish grey.
Hugs today!
xx Suzanne
You are a great tour guide. I love your pops of red throughout.
Pretty! I love how open and airy your place is....
Oh Sarah, I just love the beautiful and inviting look of your home.
Have a wonderful time at the Country Living fair.
Your home is so lovely! So warm and welcoming! Have fun at the fair- that's one thing about the UK, you have the best fairs and antique spots! Xo
Have fun Sarah with your Mom!!
I loved the tour..thank you!
So beautiful and natural-feeling!
Have a great weekend!!!
Deborah xo
Your home is oh so pretty. Thanks so much for the tour!
Morning sweetpea! Just thought I'd let you know I've shared the Stylish Blogger Award with you on my blog if you're interested. Hope you had lots of fun at the fair in London and you're having a lovely weekend xxx
You have a lovely home Sarah! The bedroom is fantastic!
Hugs and enjoy your weekend :)
Lovely interiors, hope the Country Living Fair was fun.
Sarah, thanks for opening the doors of your house is beautiful I like to detail, and color of the walls is so relaxing ... hmmmmm I love it!
you have good taste!
I wish you a happy weekend!
Loved the home tour, your home looks lovely. I can truly appreciate the Belgian-style with its subtle colors and simple styles, I could never pull that off. I am totally addicted to color & layering my decor. But you are right about taking bits & pieces from lots of other styles & designs & incorporating them to fit your own. Thanks for sharing.
Your home is lovely and so incredibly calming - I love the bluey greeny greys throughout, just enough for a smidge of colour to keep things interesting but still totally relaxing. The way a home should be! xxx
sarah, thank you for letting us into your lovely home.i love the overall feel. warm and cosy and lived-in. and i adore the little, thoughtful details that create such an impact - the singer on top of the piano, the enamel pitcher by the fireplace, that big clock on the wall. again, thank you for this great post. enjoy the country living fair! looking forward to you telling us about it.
Thanks for the wonderful tour, Sarah! Your home is lovely ... the paint colors are soothing and beautiful. And, your accents are wonderful. Thanks for sharing, *Becca* (newest follower, although I thought I added you a long time ago)!
Sarah, I am enjoying the tour and seeing more of your home. I think what is so attractive about this color palette is that it allows the textures and other elements in the room to take center stage. My eyes are on that Union Jack bag :)
Hallo Everyone - just to let you all know, I had an absolutely wonderful day out with my daughter, Sarah, at the Country Living Fair, as I do every year. She is such a lovely friend and companion; I love spending time with her. I think the CLF is actually a really good excuse to meet up! Although I have to say we do have lots of fun there - including a lovely relaxing lunch in a nearby restaurant! - Sarah's MUM (posted 29th March)
Thank you for the spedial tour Sarah. Your house looks so comforting and cozy. I love the quilt on the little bed, so lovely. :)
Thanks for the tour. I was picturing a double decker bus driving through your house! I know it isn't what your post is about, but I love the quilt on the kids bed. It has a great texture to it. Looks almost like old men's suit coats.
What fun tour! Your home is so clean and picked up. I type this as I stare at a sea of Polly Pocket dolls in the living room. ;)
Thanks for joining my Weekend Bloggy Reading party! Hope you'll visit me at Serenity Now again soon. :)
lovely tour - and I especially love that bag. Perfect to celebrate the upcoming royal nuptials!
Wanted to stop by again and let you know I featured this post today! :) Thanks again for joining my link party. :)
What a lovely home you have! This was such a fabulous tour! I do love your color pallete and that bag in the last picture is fantastic!
What a lovely home. Thanks for sharing. It has such a warm cozy feeling. Show us more!!
I think I like the Belgian Country Style! I like the simplicity!
Your newest follower. Hope you can visit me sometime soon!
Hi there Miss Sarah!!! You know I LOVE this post! Iove seeing more of your gorgeous home- so neat to see it again- thanks for sharing this at my party this week! :) Hugs, Courtney
So pretty, and inspiring!
what a lovely tour! i love touches of red too and always love something with a union jack or crown. have so much fun at the fair..i have yet to get to the one in the US, but would LOVE to go to the fair in London!!
I like the interiors of your home.
Really beautiful and adorable......
Thanks for share the Belgian style indoor furniture.Capture shows the grace and glimpse of your house.I like it.....
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