The most sacred thing is a child's innocence;
his trust the most inviolate.
~ KN

winn's window / koreen photography

My photo
I'm a hobbyist photographer, a school counselor, a health junkie, and a mom. But above all, I'm just a woman living my truth. My biggest happiness in life is to savour each moment while it happens. That's all. That's everything.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Top 10 of '10


Here's a cool idea I stumbled upon this morning in my online stalking browsing: the top 10 photos of '10. I can do that. I always frequently sometimes take lots of pictures of my boy. And since I'm in such a sharing mood this morning (and want to get this new year off to a great start), here they are. Some you may have seen before, some are new to you. You are welcome.

(Also, go there now and check it out. You know you want to.)

There's a lot technically and artistically wrong with this photo... and it was taken with my old point 'n shoot. But I love it.

The boys

One of my first photos with my dslr. I had him pose. He let me know what he thought of it.

Funny face

My favorite photos are always the goofy ones.

Or have action in them. Lots of action.


Action and seriousness.


Another goofy favorite. Underwear on the head is a classic.

Sweet boy

I can't help myself.

I love the hair.

My wild boy

One of his rare quiet moments. Great. I just jinxed myself. 2011 now will contain no quiet moments. As I write this, Evan is throwing a baseball in the house and running to catch it. Yes, he's playing catch with himself. It's loud.

The question

A moment of silly joy.

A day of joy

For a few more favorites I just posted recently go here and especially here. What a way to end the year. With all the love.

Personally, I call 2010 the Year of the Hair.


  1. Your second photo is so neat even though it appears your subject isn't super impressed to be supposed to be posing. :)

  2. Your pics are so fun!!! I love when I look at photos and they tell a story and I feel like everyone of yours does just that.

    Thanks so much for linking up with us. We have had a blast with the top 10 of 10.

  3. Those were seriously awesome - your son has the best expressions ever!

  4. The Year of the Hair ... I love it! And that one of him marching in the galoshes with the arrow is just plain adorable. Adorable!

  5. These are great!! I love all the personalities in the photos!! You have a wonderful way of capturing your little men!!

    Thanks for linking up with us!

  6. Oh my golly, those are all so cute and funny!

  7. The year of the hair... good one! I love Evan's hair. I also love how serious he gets when he's playing with things like his bow or his light saber. :)

  8. What an awesome idea! I love that you shared mostly goofy photos ... it celebrates all that's fun and wild about being a young boy. The stuff that I love about my own two boys.

  9. My friend, Chase, has 4 kids under six...he just posted this for his #2 son on the occasion of his fifth birthday..."Perpetual Motion" sounds a little like Evan to me...


  10. Very sweet Koreen! I love all of them. Hoping 2011 holds more goofy silly hair-filled photos and happy moments.

  11. What a great idea! And my personal favorite? Underwear on the head. Yeah, I'm all sophomoric that way.

  12. i don't know who's more fun, your kid or you! great pix, thanks for sharing.

  13. Great photos! I especially love the last one - such a happy face!

  14. oh my gosh, i am cracking up as i view those...i totally wanna hug your son!

  15. Happy New Year to you! Love the spirit and life in all of these, but I think my favorite of your recent ones is your edit of the Dark side- his portrait came out rockin' awesome!!!!!!

  16. Awesome shots of your little man. You know I'm all over that underwear-on-the-head one. I love the bright skintone, how crystal clear and bright his big blue eyes are... and yet how the rest of that shot is full of motion. LOVE it!

    And yes, he is rockin' that hair!

  17. Great photos. Love his hair!!


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The moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before.
The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.