Saturday, 22 March 2025

Weekend Reflections


It's been a rather windy week here, but it calmed down just in time for Weekend Reflections... No long walk yesterday, but I did go down to the riverside for a bit.


I can't quite decide whether this looks like a spidery creature rising from the water, or aliens having landed from above. As I have been walking past the place for years, though, I know it to be the last remnants of an old wooden jetty, which had been an obvious safety hazard for years. So when I just recently found most of it gone (at last!), the only thing that puzzled me was why this weird-looking support structure had been left standing. Was it just because they didn't have the right equipment to remove it - or does it have something to do with this measuring stick attached to one of the legs? (To do with checking the water level in the river, I have always assumed - even if personally I can't figure out how to "read" it...)


 Weekend Reflections


  1. the perspective of the photos of the buildings is awesome, the first one looks like the buildings are leaning. gorgeous reflection photos and even the left behind post are beautiful in the sunshine..

    1. Sandra, I think it's mostly the trees playing tricks with our perspective :)

  2. Wonderful reflections. The water is so still.

    1. Janice, I can never resist a good water reflection :)

  3. Beautiful reflections on a lovely day - I'm always amazed at how still the water is.
    You are right, I should imagine that the wood is part of a much older structure and the measurements on the side are used to check the water level.

    1. Carol, it is mostly days like this that tempt me to take yet another photo... ;-)

  4. You could have fooled me! I thought it was some strange new sculpture!! And oh my. the intense blue of the water, making the reflections even better!

    1. Ginny, had I not been walking there for years, I might have wondered, too! ;-)

  5. The building reflection is so gorgeous


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