March 24, 2025



Sunday evening, March 23, at The John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, DC, Conan O'Brien received the Mark Twain Prize for American Humor.  An annual ceremony honoring American humor first began in 1998 and has continued every year since, except during the pandemic years of 2020/21.  

Here, sharing a direct quote from a story in this mornings Washington Post 3/24/2025, written by Travis M. Andrews, titled: 

Twain was suspicious of "mindless American might," O'Brien said.
"He loved America but knew it was deeply flawed."
Quoting Twain, he said,
"Patriotism is supporting your country all of the time and
your government when it deserves it."

Posting and commenting politically.  It is often said that two things can be true at the same time.  I believe this absolutely applies to the statement above, and so rewriting for this time and place to say: "now, in this time and this place, we can be patriotic, we can and must support our country in every way possible ~ yet, not be supportive of the government we have, for it does not deserve our support." 
Whatever "label" you choose: Democrat, Republican, Independent, Liberal, Conservative, Progressive, Moderate choose: Fight, not flight.  Every individual, every institution, everything that has made the "United" States united ~ united, strong, powerful, productive, and once a place of freedom for all ~ is being ripped apart every hour of every day.  Silence is not golden.




March 23, 2025

March 22, 2025



Above: original photo, one I liked very much and just thought it was clean and interesting unto itself, but still might be an image to "play" with.

Below: the altered version.  Using Adobe Creative Cloud, a light yellow/orange overlay of the satin tool to mimic sunlight.  The "satin" tool is basically somewhat automatic, available in various shapes - you simply select the shape you like - that lay atop your image, then choose the percentage of color you want applied.  After this first step, I then used the "dodge" tool to highlight June's face and belly furs to return them to her more original white coloring.  


from our friends Athena and Marie

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March 21, 2025


Sometimes, actually a lot of the time, mine Mommy watches me.
(Evidence: all the photos she takes of me.)

Sometimes, I watch mine Mommy.
(No evidence: sans thumbs I can't work the camera phone.)
Just a few minutes ago, I was enjoying a nice little cat nap here in this chair.  

Suddenly, I was rudely awakened by all this
clatter from our hallway and when I looked over that way all I could see was
her big butt sticking out of the hall closet and assorted things being tossed out
and scattered on the floor behind her behind.  What now?  Again?

You see, here's the thing (secret, don't tell I told) whenever she gets bored,
she's starts cleaning, or tidying (things that are already clean or tidy) or
reorganizing things reorganized only a short time ago.  
Me, I just have to put up with it.

And so, as I'm watching her and before I can swish a tail,
she's watching me, and out comes that camera ...
and you guessed it:

This is the picture of me watching her.
We are the watchers.

March 20, 2025