Monday, 10 March 2025

"Time will pass and seasons will come and go."

I'm away this weekend, as my book club takes it's annual road trip. We are heading to a cyclone destroyed beach. Hoping the food makes it back to the supermarkets for the people up there.

So comments may be MIA or not until next week.

I've been given the medical all clear to have the occasional drink - so a magnum with friends was in order! (There were 10 of us, less than 2 glasses each - still being boringly responsible)

Seasonal wild flowers and rainy sunrises are the season we are in it seems. Yet still better than Cyclone season.

Linking with #TforTuesday #MySundayPhoto #GardenAffair for the Australian Native bouquet #WeekendReflection #Skywatch and #GalleriaHimmelsblick


  1. Meanwhile we have to celebrate life!
    Beautiful images and moments shared with friends!
    Have a fantastic Spring, Lydia!❤️😘

  2. I don't really drink wine, but I do enjoy the odd glass of spirits or a liqueur. I have relatives in Brisbane, I think they were expecting alot worse.

  3. Thanks so much for stopping by!! Thank you for your condolences.....It has been a tough year...
    Debbie-Dabble Blog

  4. Hope you had no great damage because of the cyclone. Yes, seasons come and it turns to spring slowly...and you will head into autumn....and as you are a F1 fan...season starts in Melbourne...Have fun.

    all the best

  5. Despite the cyclones in this life of ours, we have to put on a brave face, pick up our pieces and march on. And why not a glass of champagne? Glad to hear your health is OK, Lydia. Thanks for hosting. (Nick from MAP)

  6. Hope that everything is ok in the area of the cyclone.

  7. I hope you had a good time on the beach.

  8. Beautiful scenic photo. Enjoy your trip.

  9. Celebrate with friends while you can. Enjoy your trip.

  10. Wow great shot! I hope you had a wonderful time.

  11. Hope all's well with the cyclone aftermath.

    Worth a Thousand Words
