Friday, March 21, 2025

FFO And Smiles With Math

With lille Teddy-face   I join Nicole´s FF and Gillena´s Lunch Break.
I´m just too tired to do anything atm...
And for Annie´s Smiles another FB-story:

Today, a man in red boarded the subway, opened his folder, and began reading. A few stops later, another man got on and asked, "What are you studying for? You look confused. Maybe I can help?" The man in red explained that his son had just failed a math test, and he was reviewing fractions to teach him. At 42, he didn’t remember the material and was reteaching himself.
The man in black revealed that he used to be a math teacher and offered to help quiz him. Whenever the man in red made a mistake, it was broken down and corrected. By the end of the train ride, he had a clearer understanding and a new approach to teach his son. It’s moments like these that I appreciate, as most people often overlook what others are going through.
Credit goes to the first owner (DM) ✍️🫡❤"
Now some funnies? 

Henry 🦁 

And it´s Spring!



mamapez5 said...

Nice little teddy . Yes I fell for it too! I smiled at the ipad and the moorhen. have a good week. Kate x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

It's lovely when you can help someone having a problem but you have to be careful as sometimes they don't like other people interfering which I know from experience. Your funnies just crack me up. If I wasn't smiling when i arrived I am now. Hugs Angela xXx

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you, I was just too tired to do more than a mini-sketch. Much better today - to a great one x

Annie said...

Yes I fell for it's clever how our brains correct things isn't it? Your funnies had me smiling so thank you.
Annie x

Gene Black said...

Thanks for the laughs.
Teddy is a cute one.

Iris Flavia said...

Yes, you need intuition... glad I made you smile, hugs xXx

Iris Flavia said...

Yes, tricky to have a clever brain! T smiles, hugs x

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you and you are welcome.

Tom said...

...Iris, thanks for the chuckles. Make your weekend special.

magiceye said...

Lovely art and great funnies!

RedPat said...

Love the black dog with the ducks, Iris.

CJ Kennedy said...

Cute Teddy. I fell for it, too. Also was nice to read an uplifting news article as news here in the US is all 💩

Debra She Who Seeks said...

Love your cute wee teddy bear! And yes, I fell for that first meme's error too. Chuckled at the eye pad and the vegans drinking water but laughed out loud at the snot bubble!

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you, Tom, maybe first BBQ 2025 - maybe...

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you, though Teddy... hm, art? LOL.

Iris Flavia said...

Clever guy, huh, RedPat?

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you, yes. The PEOPLE in the US are great, I think. Everybody thinks, I reckon.

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you. Aren´t we all snot bubbles when everything counts?

Christine said...

Cute Teddy and thanks for the smiles!

Christine said...

And inspiring story

My name is Erika. said...

Awww. What a sweet Teddy. And your funnies made me smile. Loving the dog, the Star Trek and yes I read it wrong also 🤪. Have a great weekend. Hugs Erika

Gillena Cox said...

There's Kermit again makibg me 🙂
Thanks for linking to Art For Fun Friday


Iris Flavia said...

Thank you and yes to help with math (and alike)!

Iris Flavia said...

To our brains, huh? And a great weekend, hugs!

Iris Flavia said...

Kermit always knows what to do, even now...

Jeanie said...

That's really a beautiful story about the math teacher.

DVArtist said...

I love that teddy. Just adorable. The story about the math teacher is heartwarming. Some of these funnies have me LOL. Thank you for joining FFO.

Carola Bartz said...

Das ist ein süßer kleiner Teddy, vollständig mit Herzchen und Flicken. Und schöne Geschichte aus der U-Bahn.

Bill said...

Love the story about learning math and the guy helping him. Henry really is smiling because, It's the WEEKEND! Have a good one, Iris.

Lisca said...

yes, I fell for it too. Thanks for all those funnies. They're great, all of them. Of course the eye pad made meroar with laughter, and the Startrek humor does it every time.
i love stories like the one of the retired mats teacher. there really are some really nice people in this world.
Enjoy your weekend,

River said...

Oh no! Kermit cooked up Miss Piggy! Great funnies and cute teddy drawing.

Iris Flavia said...

Yes, I thought worthy to share :-)

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you for hosting and oh. Thank you. The Teddy really was just a quick sketch... nice he is liked.

Iris Flavia said...

Danke und ja, solche Menschen braucht man, viel mehr davon!

Iris Flavia said...

Thank you, Bill, a good weekend to you, too! Without math on my side, though!

Iris Flavia said...

It´s fun how our brain works, huh? And yes, there are some really nice people in the world, cheers to them! To a nice weekend!

Iris Flavia said...

Well, that way he can have her after all ;-)

Granny Sue said...

Ok, made me loyal the way through these!

Lowcarb team member said...

Many thanks for the chuckles :)

All the best Jan