My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Wednesday, March 26, 2025

Words on Wednesday Wooten Meadow Park


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus

 On March 19, 2025 I decided to take a 10 minute ride from home to

It has been a while since I was there.  Lots of things fun changes and information.

Click here to read about the Park  

I featured it as a Final Friday Feature

in October 2022.

Below is a bit of info on the park.

Donated to Raleigh by the Wooten Family
Year 1996 | Acres 20.5
Toss a Frisbee, picnic in the lawn, watch the wildlife, and enjoy the day in the park. This 21-acre site was donated by the Wooten family in 1996 for the use of the citizens of Raleigh as a park and future greenway connection. The first phase of the 2015 Wooten Meadow Master Plan was completed in early 2022.
Set along Hare Snipe Creek*, Wooten Meadow Park has looping paved and grassy pathways, open lawn areas, natural meadows, and wetlands and is a habitat for a variety of plant and animal species. Further back in the park is a successional forest of **loblolly pines and hardwood trees.
The trail begins at the corner where you see stoplights
Several fun and symmetrical bridges just to the left of this one

is one of many small creeks.  I heard croaking frogs here never saw any

New  informational signs have been added

There are at least 8 Eastern Bluebird houses like this

I was quite happy to see a lucky Ducky Mallard in residence.

Ducky is a good Diver.  I enjoyed the show.

After his diving show, he swam away look at his gorgeous green head.

The day before I visited we had 2 1/2" of rain.  I was happy to see many
little winding water areas like this.

Tuesday, March 25, 2025

Happy Tuesday Cat tale from Kat

Thank you to our

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at

 Comedy Plus

Dearest Auntie HiC
I have a funny for you and our friends today!!

Just like Mom, Cali has started talking in her sleep. I’m fairly certain I heard her say, “mousies” & “feet”! 😹

Auntie HiC Mom said kindergarten classes learned this song too

 I’ll let you decide! 
Turn up volume. 

Love you Tabby Nephew
❤️ Kat

Auntie HiC thinks this is quite precious.
Cali is for sure doing some serious talking with her whiskers, her eyes are moving too....I wonder if per chance she is reliving her recent scuffle with you
lovingly A HiC.

Monday, March 24, 2025

Awww Monday Double post: Kat and Katie Isabella

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus   

Dearest Auntie HiC,

this might sound a bit awkward, but would you kindly share this video with my beloved Katie Isabella? I absolutely relish pronouncing her multi-syllabic name.

Ka-tie Is-a-bell-a ❣️❣️❣️❣️

It sounds like a beautiful lyric from a song. 💕🎶 💕

I digress. Back to the video. I want Katie to know that although I’m a senior mancat, I still have some moves! You’ve heard of pole dancing? 
I call this purr-vocative string dancing.
Hope she gets the subtle message I’m sending❣️😹❤️

❤️ Kat 

Kat OMCs Auntie HiC wants to know your secret to being agile and active.  Is it your love for Katie Isabella that gets your motor running?

I 100% agree about her lovely name!!Many Southern Belles have two names hers is most poetic.
Lovingly A HiC

From Katie Isabella


Guess what?!? 
I received a surprise package today from my sweetheart, Katie Isabella!

She sent catnip toys! There are 3 mice, & since I’m always a gentleman, I let Cali pick out her favorite first! 
I’m keeping the moo-cow all to myself‼️🐄❤️

Rocky is so easy-going & said he’ll take whatever Cali doesn’t claim first & add it to his Catnip Lounge! 

Thank you, Katie & Ms. Carole! You made our day❣️

❤️ Kat

Kat says Katie Isabella the Kat’s Meow
What a great and thoughtful shopper .  She puts lots of love into it too
Hugs Auntie HiC


Coming soon; a video of us defending ourselves from the MICE INVASION. 😹

Sunday, March 23, 2025

Sunday Selfie Elk Statue continued

Yesterday (March 22) this  was one of my Symmetry photos was taken as I look at the 
Elk Lodge.  
It was taken March 15, 2023, sitting at a stoplight near home.

I mentioned there was a huge Elk Statue sitting out front.

Saturday March 22, 2025 (the sky was really this blue too).
We drove up the the lodge so I could snap a photo

Saturday, March 22, 2025

Caturday Art and Symmetry Saturday

Mona Lisa done in Lego!!??

Taken March 15, 2023, sitting at a stoplight near home.
In the distance, you see the Elk Lodge. They have a huge Elk Statue sitting out front.
I need to snap a photo someday.