18 Mar 2025






A woman came up to us and wanted to sell us a tattoo. I said no straight away, but Dominique wanted a tattoo on her hand. It wasn't a real one, but one like you use for weddings, which you can wipe off after a few days. 

Dominique wanted to pay the price the woman suggested , but I told her she would have to haggle. She couldn't do that, so I did it for her, and after all, she only paid half. She was very happy and kept looking at her hand. I decided it was better not to say anything ! 



more participants here, and Image-in-ing


  1. Interesting. I've usually seen those "wedding style" tattoos done in red with henna.

  2. I loathe visible tatts... put it under your shirt, if you want one. However Dominique clearly wanted one on her hand so I hope she loved the result.

  3. It seems strange that they were both standing while the tattoo was drawn.

  4. How strange - 'tattoo while you wait.'

  5. Tattoos on the go! Interesting, though I'm not sure I'd want one!

  6. Fascinating art work.
    Thanks for sharing at https://image-in-ing.blogspot.com/2025/03/the-masonic-lodge-halls.html


Dear Anonymous,
Please do not be shy and leave your name, otherwise you will end up in the bin !