Monday, March 17, 2025

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Peyton posed for this illustration

And I’d like to introduce….

 A new family member!  

This cutie is Nolan, Creekwood Winterberry Rich and Famous, and he joined our family this weekend.  He is living with my daughter, and we co-own him with his breeders.  Nolan is a 12 week old smooth, tri color collie.  His sire, Noah, is a rough blue Merle, and his dam is a smooth tri color named Liz.  There was a lot of serious discussion about what to call him, and after much debate, we settled on Nolan.  Nolan means champion in Irish, and seemed to fit since everyone was celebrating All Things Irish this weekend.  (My maternal great-grandparents immigrated from Ireland, so I love Irish names.)  Also, as his sire’s registered name includes the word “fame,” all the puppies in the litter will have Fame in their registered names.  And there was a famous baseball player, Nolan Ryan, who was inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame, so it fits the theme…We are very excited about this little boy, and can’t wait to see what his future holds!  Welcome to Winterberry collies Nolan!


  1. What a handsome boy you are, Nolan! Happy St Patrick's Day to all of you!

  2. Hi, Hello and welcome to your new homes, Nolan ... how exciting and we look forward to seeing more of you!

  3. What a cutie pie and I love his name. Well done.

    Happy St. Patrick's Day.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥
