Sunday, March 16, 2025

Sunday Selfies

Well, it's Sunday, so it's selfie time.

I know I has been MIA. I blame momma and her "work." Murder trial blah blah, another trial blah blah, all I know is I has been missing getting to post!

But I'm back now!

I think I deserve extra bacon for da inconveenense, don't you?

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  1. Wow ! Your Mama has murder trials ? Stay safe ! (and we are very glad to hear from you again !)

  2. Gee Travis, your mum seems very busy! She must appreciate comming home to you after a long day in court! I bet she finds kitty therapt pawsome!!!!!!!
    Purrs Winnie

  3. Nice to see you. Sorry your mama is busy with work. XO


Meow! Leave me a comment, I luvs to read dem. Not as much as I luv bacon, but I do luvs em.