Sunday, March 16

Some BUNNY Loves You!

How cute is this bunny!!!
I used cardstock from Michaels, Glossy Accent on the eyes, and  Ranger distressing inks to ink the edges.
My Some BUNNY Loves You card can be found at Cricut Design Space.

Sharing my project with:
~Classic Design Challenge-option (bunny)
~Daisy Chain-animals
~Dream Factory-Fantastic Mr. Fox
~Heart's Quest- pink hearts
~Inspiration Station-photo inspiration (inspired by the bunnies)
~Send a Smile 4 Kids-animals
~A Place To Start-anything goes
~Pammie's Inky Pinkies-anything goes
~Path of Positivity-anything uplifting/inspiring

Happy Crafting, 


Becca Sadler, owner and manager of HQCB and FQCB said...

our local wild rabbit population usually has 2-3 litters every year! Driving around town in the gold cart, we can count 25 running around within the space of 3-4 homes' yards! Tis the season...I'm ready to eat a chocolate rabbit, though! :) Your shaped edge card is fantastic and the bunny's a heart-stealer!! Too charming! Thanks for using pink hearts for Heart's Quest Challenge Blog #71!!

Jennifer Reece said...

What a cute image--I love the hearts on the paws!!! Thank you for another great card for our SAS4Kids animal challenge!

María said...

An adorable card with that rabbit and those hearts on the paws. I love how you've played with the shape of the card to ajust it to the rabbit. Thanks for joining us at A Place To Start. Hugs, María.

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