Nova tema na blogu 52 CCT

Mami pravi, da strahov ni.
Zakaj se potem boji
hoditi po gozdu ponoči
in ne spi, če ob njej ni oči?
(Bina Štampe Žmavc/Vprašanje strahu)

Pa ti, se bojiš hoditi po gozdu sredi noči?
Sama se vsak večer odpravim vanj, res pa je, da mi družbo dela naš kosmatinček.
Skupaj sva zeloooo pogumna ;)

Srnjad in jelene pa srečava le podnevi, 
ponoči so najinim očem smrčku nezaznavne.
Jih je bilo pa toliko bolj zabavno ustvarjati,
takole si jih predstavljam ...

Njihove družinice so nastale za marčevski tematski izziv 
Gostiteljica meseca marca je Goga.

Sama sem se tokrat poigrala s vročo folijo 
in skušala z njo pričarati gozd.

Uporabila sem različne barve folij 
preizkušala novo šablono, ki sem jo našla v Papirnatem kotičku.

Moje živalice se v tihi noči počutijo varne, mirne in uživajo v spokoju.
Upam, da so ga malce prelile tudi nate.

Radosten vikend ti želim/o,


Voščilnice dodajam v: 
galerijo Najlepšega para - srečno in zdravo folija ter Vesele praznike folija
Krafty Chicks - Christmas
The Holly and Ivy - ag Christmas
The Sisterhood of Crafters - Shades of Green
Double D - Going green 


  1. V taki družbi bi tudi jaz imela nočni sprehod po gozdu :) Lep komplet voščilnic si nam pokazala. Šablona smrekovih vej je res lepa.

  2. Very creative and pretty, we have four deer that 'visit' every night, but the have been enjoying my gardens too much!!
    Thank you for joining our challenge at Double D!
    Diane DD Co-Owner
    {Nellies Nest}
    {Double D}

  3. These are beautiful! Love them all!

  4. elles sont très belles Majda, très charmante, biz

  5. WOW! These are all just beautiful! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at the Sisterhood of Crafters & Double D challenges! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

    Sisterhood of Crafters Owner
    Double D Co-Owner

  6. Serene. Peaceful. Beautiful. Thanks so much for playing along with us at The Double D, Going Green Challenge. Donna, DT Member.

  7. I love the elegant look you've achieved with your cards - they're fantastic! Gill xx

  8. Majda... so wonderful to see you in the Just Us Girls gallery this week! Hope you have been well (and very crafty!). Love your green backgrounds... the foiled pine branches are beautiful especially paired with the natural deer. Thanks so much for sharing with us this week.

  9. The foiled pines look gorgeous on the green, Majda, and the deer found a great resting place. Thanks for sharing your card with us at Just Us Girls.

  10. Your foiled pine branches and deer are gorgeous; you've certainly captured the sights and 'vibe' of your walks wonderfully. Thank you for joining us at Just Us Girls.


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