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Some more photos from Philadelphia's Masonic Temple

Our tour guide approaching through the room
where ladies waited while their husbands conduct lodge business.
Pictured throughout are men who served as Grand Masters.
Several US notables were among them, including Benjamin Franklin and 15 presidents.
Many of the symbols we saw throughout the Temple were Judeo-Christian, 
but Masons need only believe in some sort of Higher Power. Nevertheless, I didn't see anything that made me think of Buddhist, Islamic, or Hindu faiths.


  1. Wow! What spectacular architecture and interior \design for this building. Very palatial

  2. It's huge, they must've spent alot of money on it.

  3. Such a wonderful building, such impressing sights. Have a good time and all the best

  4. So ornate - that stained glass is beautiful! Lovely building!

  5. The palace looks regal and well presented

  6. so beautiful. The architecture of places of worship are always truly amazing. Enjoy your week, and thankyou again for the link up.

  7. Lovely interiors, beautifully captured.

  8. Looks like a fascinating tour! I had no idea so many notable figures were Grand Masters. The symbolism is interesting too. Thanks for sharing!

  9. A beautiful architecture and a magnificent place.Having said that, I've never understood how people who are supposed to be intelligent (but above all wealthy) to gain access to this antechamber or highway to power could agree to submit to such grotesque initiation rituals, which are still being perpetuated.

  10. That's fantastic. I especially love the last photo with the stained glass. Wow!

  11. Beautiful! Thanks for the tour.

  12. Elegant and impressive place! The images with stain glass are so beautiful!
    Happy WW and a fine week!❤️😘

  13. That's amazing. Oklahoma has a huge masonic lodge building in the little town of Guthrie, north of Oklahoma City. The Masonic Lodge used to be big in the US and they have just kind of faded off into obscurity.

  14. That is such a beautiful place. Great pics.

  15. It sounds like a fascinating visit to the Masonic Temple in Philadelphia! The history and symbolism behind it all, especially with prominent figures like Benjamin Franklin and various U.S. presidents involved, must make for an incredibly rich and engaging tour. It’s interesting that while the Temple prominently features Judeo-Christian symbols, it’s open to those who believe in a higher power, regardless of the specific faith.

    If you have more photos, I’d love to hear more about what you captured or any other highlights from your visit. Do you have a favorite part of the tour?

    1. I've included my favorite photos in this series of posts, three posts in all. The last in the series will be on this coming Monday, St. Patrick's Day.


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