so win dee mum left dee houze yesserday to forage fur foodz, i wazza on dee bed(OTB) hazzing my afur breakie nap, all wuzza quiet.
win dee mum returned wif all dee foodz, she saw dis an i wuzza MIA.while dee mum wuzza gone, there wuzza a big BOOM, BOOM(owt go dee lites, well dee lites dinit go owt) as i wuzza currently UTB an it took me a good half an hour to come owt afur dee mum gots home. so all my zenning and rebalancing ovva my chee wint owt dee winder. afur hazzing sum lunch and visiting dee laydeez room, i had to go BACK into my zen den fur sum more meditashuns till dee sun wint down. izza all to much!