Thursday, 13 March 2025

Videos, Norma's Baskets, Best Free Pattern, Birds are Back

The trails are providing all the workout I need these days. With melting and overnight freezing (-15 windchill -glad I wasn't out there), they are slushy, bumpy and narrow in places. Like walking a tightrope which is good for my balance. But I've had to take a ski pole along as I really don't want to turn an ankle. On the up side, the slightly warmer daytime temps mean less clothing is needed which is enjoyable. And surprise, surprise, the song birds are singing. Last Saturday, early morning, when I was gathering wood at the back basement door, I heard the unmistakable sound of chirping/singing that stopped me in my tracks. I stood listening in awe. How nature surrounds us with moments of beauty and is so uplifting. 

Spring Sunshine on my indoor plants makes me happy too. At this stage of the long winter, they are all survivors, LOL.

Been keeping busy moving a couple of projects along. I'm still machine stitching Everglade blocks together and "faired up" as my grandmother would term it and I find this part of quilting soooo boring. I spent the better part of an hour one day arranging these, and no, this is not the final arrangement below...I did take a photo of that. 
I also have this project from Norma Whaley at Timeless Traditions which was a gift to me years back. I had a start made on Basket Love, one of her basket quilt patterns, which involves applique so will stitch another now and then.  I have this many bottoms stitched to date. These are fun. 
 And when I just need something to keep the hands busy, more scrap sorting gets done- this latest by colour. I keep expressing bafflement about how many scraps I have but it is something that does amaze me. I really haven't made that many quilts with that much fabric.  

I've been more impressed with what many of you are stitching. For instance, a lot of beautiful arrow stitching has been occurring around the web for the Project Quilting Follow the Arrow challenge. I've enjoyed seeing the imaginative projects and in the process found a link to a free pattern that I really like. It is called Anita's Arrowhead and the link is there at Quilting Daily. And Carol Thelen has a YouTube video of exactly how it is formed which is absolutely brilliant! You have to check this one out. This colourful quilt shown here really appeals to me. Do you like it too?
I was happy to see the Cornell Labs folks have Jim's Indiana Barred Owl cam up and running. I notice work has been done to further secure the box to the tree and also fancy stitcks at the entrance for the young owls to perch on. The female has already laid two eggs and the male has been fabulous in his duties keeping her well fed. It is always interesting to me to see what she far a rodent and a crayfish. I check in most days to see what they are up to and fingers crossed it will be another successful breeding year for these beautiful birds. 
On that hopeful note, I'll close this post. Enjoy the rest of this week... 
Linking this post with wonderful linky parties like the one at The Inquiring QuilterAlycia QuiltsQuilts Art WhateverQuilterySmall Quilts and Doll Quilts and My Quilt Infatuation.


Helen said...

Your indoor plants look great. My indoor plants look like they're begging for it to be warm enough to go back onto the back porch for a few months.
What fun to watch those owls. Although when the hooting began, my cat woke up and got very serious and curious! ha ha ha

patty a. said...

There is a Barr Owl nest in a tree close to my bedroom window. There are nights that oh my that pair of owls can make such a racket! LOL!!! I see them once in a while, but I have never seen any little ones. I will have to take a picture of the next and post it on my blog before the leaves start growing. The nest is huge!

dq said...

Everglade is a lovely project. I also love your happy, thriving plants. It won't be long before we see green outside.
I have not heard of the arrow project, but then, I have not been browsing blogs lately. Trying to do some catch up today.

Susie H said...

I love Timeless Traditions and your baskets are lovely. What a wonderful video of the owls. I love hearing them call in my backyard too. Have a fabulous day!

Nancy J said...

The barred owl video, he is so studious in providing a meal, and she is no doubt equally happy to receive it. I remember seeing this or similar some years ago. Scraps, I have a bin full, and this week, actually used some to make phone cord holders.

Jenny said...

Such an interesting video of the nesting owls, I'm sure you will be delighted when the babies arrive.

Miaismine said...

I love your description of your early spring. Sounds dreamy. Your plants are an inspiration – better days are coming.
Your Everglade blocks are certainly coming along. I usually Facetime with a friend when laying out blocks. Otherwise, it’s a hot mess. Your basket “bottoms” look good! One of these days I’ll make a basket quilt, but they look pretty intimidating to me.

Linda said...

Your indoor plants look like they are thriving! Do I spy a coleus?
I'm glad you are able to get a good walk in with Ned, I'm sure he appreciates it. ;) My husband and I were talking about balance yesterday - we are both losing it so maybe we should get ski poles!

I had the same kind of stop-in-my-tracks experience with a bird yesterday. I walk one of my cats with a harness and leash in our back yard almost every morning. Toby always wants to go behind the shed, where there is a tree that usually has birds shrilly warning all the other birds that Toby is out and about. Yesterday one of them just sang and it was so beautiful, nothing quite like it.

Rosemary Dickinson said...

Your plants look wonderful! I've always wanted to make a basket quilt. Maybe one of these days! I love seeing the owls!

Jeanna said...

Your indoor plants look very healthy and happy in that window. Laying out quilt blocks is not my favorite part either. Those are pretty fabrics in your basket blocks. I'll look forward to watching this one come together.

LIttle Penguin Quilts said...

The songbird chorus has been busy in our neighborhood recently - such a lovely sound! The nest cams are always interesting to watch, too. Have you looked at the Big Bear Bald Eagle nest? Three eglets hatched this year - so exciting because last year the eggs were laid but never hatched. Your new basket project looks like a fun start! I, too, enjoy making blocks, but putting them together into a top is definitely not as much fun.

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

Lovely projects you are working on! So wonderful to see things waking up after a hard winter. Gotta go check out that owl cam! Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

Gwyned Trefethen said...

I can feel Spring in your post as you venture outdoors and prep the plants for the garden. The basket handles will provide plenty of stitching for the lingering winter temps when inside is preferable to outside. said...

Yesterday morning I believed I could smell that Spring was in the air. When I hear the bird song, then I know we have officially switched seasons! I so enjoy listening to the birdsong. I like how you are working on several projects and making progress on them all!

PaintedThread said...

I've been listening to the twitterpated titmice. :-) Your indoor plants look terrific. Pretty Everglade blocks. Your projects are rolling along....

Karrin Hurd said...

Your indoor plants look happy! I have been wanting to make another basket quilt, I have an old one hanging on my wall right now. I was just going through my scrap barrels last week, and they just keep multiplying like crazy.

Magpie's Mumblings said...

One of the other bloggers I follow made a basket quilt and she filled hers with floral fabrics rather than using plain fabrics. Looked really pretty.
We heard the birds the last time we were out too and this afternoon I saw the first vulture of the season. I imagine, if it's like other years, we'll have upwards of a hundred of them floating over the river before they move on to their summer areas. They seem to congregate here in the spring and the fall.

Michele McLaughlin said...

Boy, I envy how you can have such healthy house plants. Our house is so dark, I gave up! Loving your projects, especially the everglades blocks are wonderful and look forward to seeing the baskets. We are celebrating the arrival of spring here too. Hope it warms up even more for you!

Bonnie said...

I like the arrow block... I think I have Anita's book that shows how to do it. It might make a great block for the rainbow scrap challenge one of these years. Thanks for sharing the owls video. It's pretty cool. I infrequently look at some eagle nests. I might need to check it out again. Have fun with your stitching this the way, I think the scraps reproduce when we aren't looking!