My Dolls in Green for March!

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 Life is crazy here at our house...there just hasn't been much time to play with the dolls. Spring is poking around the corner soon, so here is some wishful thinking, 

Let's make it GREEN! 

You can't do a Green March post without St. Patrick's Day being mentioned.

Chicago has a huge party and parade on St.Paddy's Day, they even dye the Chicago River GREEN....

Here the outgoing Queen crowns the New St. Patrick's Day Queen

Of course they are in their most gorgeous Green.

My repro dons a vintage green swimsuit...perfect for her complexion.

Gowns always seem to land in Vickie's Vintage...perfect for another Queen.
Vicky sports a great dress with greens and blues. Vicky loves green and wears it often.

Some real old vintage shows up , now and then. This 70's jumpsuit is quite the piece and neon, too.

Speaking of OLD...Barbie no.3 1959 wears this 'Swinging Easy' 1963 green dress.

I made this turtleneck when I first collected dolls, and everyone has worn it..Here is Zoe...perfect color for her and her Margarita.

"What's up Doc"...a Bugs Bunny dress, perfect for Spring and Carly is modeling.


Most of my dolls have jobs and work...Trish's Blue Sprinkling Can is busy now and she is watering plant starts in the greenhouse.

Loving this cute teen Skipper outfit...with a pineapple purse...greenish for Spring.

Seems someone (Ryan) has had two many Guiness and sports a green jacket and scarf while visiting Wisconsin. 

Barbie's Office in the townhouse is wonderful lime green. Catch that bench, in green too. Many of my doll rooms are green themed.

Handsome Ian sports a Mattel Shirt and a haircut, but he looks great in anything.

How do your dolls Look in GREEN?

All my dolls are thrift store finds except the redhead Repro, and my 1959 childhood doll No.3 whom I call Barbara M Roberts.

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I have not been paid or reimbursed in anyway for my opinions or products shown, or from where I shop. 


  1. Oh I LOVE that tree in the pic with Barbra!!! I say bring on the green too... Both in the garden and for St Pat's. Here's hoping the last of winter blows out of here on a gentle breeze Sandi. Have fun:@)

    1. Thanks, Lynn...yes winter has been pretty much the same for you and me. I do think you got more snow than we did though. Running back and forth to the greenhouse to monitor temps...the auto thermometer is on the fritz. So, happy Chicagoland Spring. Sandi

  2. They all look so good in the St. Pat's Green! I'd almost forgotten St. Pat's Day was coming up 'til Princess T reminded me coz they're having a Pot Luck for it at her Work. I need to go buy some Corned Beef and Cabbage to cook up in the Crockpot, it's the only time of year we eat it and we do like it a lot.

    1. We have no Irish here, but, since my dolls live in Chicago proper, there are a bunch that have Irish heritage...LOL. Thanks for stopping by, Sandi


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