I am a Victorian Soul, who lives in a small townhouse that was built in the mid 1970's, not a huge Mega Mansion!! I just recently lost my Hubby Joe, who was a Retired Letter Carrier. I worked night shift as an RN on a Hospital based Rehabilitation( Physical Medicine) Unit for 37 years before I had Knee Replacement Surgery and officially Retired in 2019 after 41 years working in Direct Patient Care ... I am so glad that we retired at 62 years of age and got to spend that time together before he passed....I still do love Retirement!!!!


George Eliot
George Eliot was actually a pen name for a woman named Mary Anne Evans......


Monday, March 3, 2025

New Buys, February Goals Update & Grace






Welcome to Debbie-Dabble Blog!!

I am so happy you decided to stop by!!
Blogging has always been a stress reliever for me along with an avenue to share my passions which are my home and my garden.....
 I feel it is a personal Journal that, hopefully, someday, my Twin Granddaughters will be able to look back on to learn about who I was.... 

I will be posting 3 times a week on MONDAYS, THURSDAYS and SATURDAYS....

As always, click on each picture if you would like to enlarge it....
If you would like to Pin my pictures, please click on them to enlarge them to do so....
I enjoy reading your comments and will return the favor by visiting and commenting on your blog or reply to you directly here if you do not have a blog but I do have my comment section set to Moderation due to spammers and hackers so your comment will not appear immediately...
And since I have a very busy life, like most of us do, it may take me awhile to return your comments but I promise I will....
In my last post, I shared my collection of vintage Lustreware dishes which I display in an unusual area, my upstairs hall....



 Click HERE if you missed that post!!

Now I know it is the beginning of Meteorological Spring but I live in NEPA....

Sunday morning, along with today, it was 16 degrees here!!


With 50 degrees predicted for Wednesday!! 

And snow showers later in the week....

Typical NEPA weather for March and one can not forget that some of our best snow storms, like the Blizzard of 1993, came in March....

So I really don't look at it being Spring here until April even though we can still get snow in April too....

With that being said and since Easter is late this year, April 20th, I am not hurrying to decorate for Easter....

What I am doing first will be decorating the china cupboard for Saint Patrick's Day which I will start to do today so that will be my next post on THURSDAY!! 

Which actually left me with not a lot to do a post about today so this post will be a hodge podge of things...

I am going to start with a review of my Goals for February that I listed in my post about my Quarterly Goals and Possibilities........ 


As I mentioned before, my Goals are more like a monthly To Do List....

These were February's Goals....


Pack away Christmas in the Sitting Room, Upstairs Hall, Bathroom, Bedroom and Craft Room

Well, I did get to pack away Christmas in the Bathroom and returned it to "normal" .....



 And I also packed away Christmas from the upstairs Hall and returned that to "normal" , displaying my Lustreware Collection there.........



Give all these rooms a good cleaning before redecorating them with the "normal" decor for these rooms

I did this with the Bathroom and Hall

I did manage to pack up the Christmas decor around my Victorian Lady Tree in the bedroom as I packed that and the hall Christmas decorations away into 2 tubs....


 For now, the Tree is still decorated...

I chose to leave Joe's Pittsburgh Corner as is for now.....


 My son Joey and I will be going through everything here in the Summer, deciding what will be kept and what will be donated to friends and family or to Salvation Army....

I also put the Craft Room and Sitting Room on hold until April as I want to see if I somehow can store the tubs with the Christmas decorations in those rooms in the closets of those rooms now that my clothes are out of those closets....

 Decorate the Den China Cupboard and the area around it for Saint Patrick's Day - Moved to March's List...

Work on my Financial plan for next Winter - accomplished and I will be doing a post on this soon...

Start walking for exercise again - NOPE....weather still not cooperating but I know that is no excuse...

 Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day - Yep!!

Call my Tax Preparer and get paper work to him - Moved to March

Stick to my Wellness Program - Trying to do so but I needed to give myself some grace on this because of my friend Anne Marie's passing and Funeral

I am a stress eater and I lapsed for a bit but I am now back on track with my Intermittent Fasting...

Like I said, in February, I was dealt that one last blow from 2024, as she was diagnosed in 2024, of my friend Anne Marie's passing and attended her Funeral on February 2nd...

I pretty much was not able to do much that week as I needed to give myself some Grace...


 So my revised Goals List for March now looks like this.....


Decorate the Den China Cupboard and the area around it for Saint Patrick's Day

And  Call my Tax Preparer and get paper work to him

Plan for our family Easter dinner celebration

Pack away Valentine's in Living Room and Dining Room

Pack away Winter decor in Kitchen and Den...

Decorate Living Room, Dining Room and Kitchen for Easter

 Redecorate the Powder Room with regular decor after packing away Snow Buddy and Winter decor

 Redecorate the Den with regular Americana decor

Contact a landscaper friend to clean up the slope in front of my house and put down mulch for me

 Pack way and take down to my storage shed all my outside Winter decor..

  Drink at least 64 oz. of water a day

Stick to my Wellness Program

Two of the things that I listed on my January Goals List that I did not yet accomplish are....

 See Wicked in a movie theater - I changed this and will be adding it to March's list as I will watch it on Peacock when it starts to stream on March 21st...

Another one was this and I will be FINALLY using my new Crock Pot today!!

I will be making a chicken and rice recipe that I saw on a FB Reel....

It is already in the crock pot!!

 I will let you know how it comes on in my next post on THURSDAY!

So that is where I stand with the Goals and hopefully, I will get to check off all of March's.....

I also want to share a few New Buys....

I went to Dollar Tree a few days ago to pick up the tablecloths that we use for the monthly breakfasts at my church that I donate and could not help myself.....

Just a few things.....

For my Front Porch.....

I like that it is metal and I will spray it with a sealer...

I am a sucker for anything bottle brush and I could not resist the yellow ones for my Kitchen!!

And these for the Living Room....

A few carrots for the Kitchen also...

Now I have seen these Egg Topiaries all over social media platforms, being transformed into Bunnies or embellished and painted!!
So I grabbed one for $5!

In hindsight, I should have grabbed 2!
 When I went back, they were all gone!!
I was looking for the solid white ones they also carry as I have an idea for transforming it....... 

 I will be on the lookout for one...
I also picked up these aqua colored cemetery candles from Dollar Tree for candle holders I made a long time ago and will be using them for Easter....

I finally broke down and ordered an air fryer after hearing Joey rave about the air fryer/toaster oven that he received as a Christmas gift from his Boss....
I just ordered it on Saturday so I has not arrived yet but here is a picture of it...

I bought it online from Boscov's ...

It was originally marked $79.99, on sale for $49.99 but used a coupon and got 5% off small appliances so it was only $47.99....

Amazon is selling the exact same one for $69.99!! 

I did not want a big one as I will only be using it for 2 of us....

And I think it will possibly save me some money when it comes to my electric bill rather then firing up the oven for a half hour to make frozen fries, tater tots or mozzarella sticks...

I will report back on how I like it... 


 I returned to Lowe's a few things that the guys who hooked up my new washer and dryer did not need and I bought these 2 items with my credit while there....


 I had mentioned in a previous post that I was going to use this Grout Paint Pen on the grout in my upstairs Bathroom like I did in my Kitchen....

 I started the project but the paint pen I had ran out of paint so I needed another one to complete the project in the upstairs Bathroom....

 And I bought this spray paint with the Egg Topiary project in mind...


Stay tuned.... 

Also as I look at this color, I realized that it is the color of my patio furniture out in the back patio!!



My son Joey gifted me an Amazon Gift Card for my Birthday and after watching a You Tube video where someone recommended getting rechargeable batteries and a charger if you use a lot of battery operated candles and fairy lights... 

I do spend a lot of money on batteries especially around the Holidays so as part of my Plan for next Christmas, I decided to order a charger, using my gift card...

 It came with 4 AA batteries and 4 AAA batteries which I am now using to see how long they work for....

 They did not take long at all to charge and if I like the results, I will then order a package of 24 of each the AA and the AAA batteries, which should save me a lot of money in the long run......

I will keep you posted on this too....


 And with that, I will end this post.....

  I hope you will stop by to visit again on THURSDAY when I hope to be sharing some Saint Patrick's Day decor!!  

  Stay safe, healthy and most of all, HAPPY!!

Thanks to those who took the time out of their busy day to spend a little bit of time with me!!

If you do not have a blog, PLEASE  give me some way to reply to your comment, maybe by including your email in your comment.  If I can not find a way to reach you, I will reply on the post where you commented so please check back......

I am linking up to these parties:


    Please take some time to visit these terrific hosts and all those joining in on the fun!


  1. I'm a stress eater too, and my stress does not like broccoli. So having to be very careful -- it has been a stressful time. But you're chugging along on those goals. Well done.

  2. I used to have some Lusterware, it's so pretty, but, alas, I found out if I used it that often that Luster comes off when it's washed too many times. So, I should have just used it for pretty Displays too. I gave it away and now just use and keep my Jadeite, which wears well with regular use, but is nice Vintage Kitchenware that I still really like. Setting Goals is something I also do and sometimes I even attain them. Stress Eating, yep, can be problematic for sure. I think drinking more Water is always helpful and a good Goal to have and get better at. I know I don't drink enough of it and it's not even that I don't like Water, I do, but I always seem to drink other beverages instead.

  3. I think you are doing great with your goals. That is such a good idea to make a list and hold yourself accountable. Today in Northern Ohio it's 61 degrees and our high tomorrow will be 28, LOL.

  4. Hi Debbie, I am so sorry to hear about Anne Marie! I know how close you were from reading your posts. Losing a friend is so hard, you want to share things with them, and can no longer get their opinions. I lose one of my closest friends nearly 14 years ago, I was talking about her today actually. I love how you are sharing your goals, I really should get more organized and start planning my time, but I never seem to stick with a schedule. My husband and I have been down with the flu for 3 weeks now. This one is kind of throwing us both for a loop. I still have winter decorations up! At least the Christmas was taken down before this fiasco. I think you will love the air fryer, we have one, and I have to say my favorite thing to make is pork chops in it, it is so easy, and they are perfect every time. Something I cannot say when I try baking or cooking them on the stovetop. ha! Hope you are doing well, and March is good to you!

  5. You are doing great with your goals; we had to push off our tax paperwork too because one of the forms from my husband's work was wrong and we're waiting for the corrected form to come in. I tend to be a stress eater too but I'm trying to hard to curb that habit. We have very similar temps/weather patterns; in fact I'm sitting here blogging and realized my feet are freezing! I already added a sweater and a scarf to today's outfit but I think I need to go find my fleece lined slippers too. Despite warmer temps today it is so dreary and windy it feels much colder than last week... when it was actually colder out but sunny!

  6. Hi Deb! Your goals are getting done. I admire you! Stress eater too. I like sugar free Popsicles for a snack now although a cookie will find a way to my mouth now and then!!
    You will love your new air fryer. I make grilled cheese sandwiches in mine even!
    Happy March!

    1. Barb,
      Hmmm. Grilled cheese sounds interesting....Do you use liners in your air fryer? I have seen them advertised and was just wondering...I am getting there with the goals but I do have a lot to do in March so thank goodness Easter is at the end of April this year...Have a good weekend, my friend!

    2. I do not use liners..it's easy enough to clean..

  7. Wow! I am always amazed at how glorious your home is. I honestly need to know your storage secrets. I have been thinking about an air fryer…but there’s that storage thing again! I am so very sorry about your friend’s passing. I hope your memories give you comfort.


  8. I love your bathroom, it's so pretty! Thank you for sharing at The Really Crafty Link Party this week, and have a lovely weekend!


I always love to read your comments and opinions!!
I will try to respond to your comment as quickly as I can either on your Blog, through an email address or here on the posts where you commented if I cannot find any other way to contact you!!
If you are a vendor and insist upon leaving a comment with a link back to a website, it will be deleted immediately as I check my comment several times a day!!

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