Friday, February 28, 2025


 For 2025, I'm working on whittling down my 2 1/2" scrap strips drawer. This calls for a serious attack, as my drawer is at overflow level! I started by sorting all the strips by color. February is blue, so I gathered the blue strips, which is my most used color, and started sewing them end to end. 
I'm making jelly roll race baby quilts for Bundles of Love, a local charity that delivers bundles of newborn items to families in need. They request baby quilts to be 35" to 40" wide and 40" to 50" long. I shoot for the largest size, 40" x 50", knowing they will shrink a bit with quilting and washing.

Quilt Info #1:
Size: 40" x 50"
Batting: Scrap
Thread: Glide--Graphite
Pantograph: Freemotion 2 from Sew Shabby Quilting
I bought this backing fabric at half price from our LQS, Wildflower Quilt Co, which is only 3 years old, so their half price section has a lot of fabulous newer fabrics! There was 3 1/2 yards left on the bolt, enough to back 2 1/2 of these quilts.⤵️
I love this quilting design, "Freemotion 2" from Sew Shabby Quilting!⤴️
Quilt Info #2:
Size: 40" x 50"
Batting: Scrap
Thread: Glide--Graphite
Pantograph: Marquee ⤵️ from Urban Elementz
It's been awhile since I've had the chance to use this quilting design. Charity quilts are the perfect chance to break out these types of pantographs!
Fun fact: It takes about 28 yards of strips to make one of these baby quilts, plus another 5 yards for the scrappy binding!
Quilt Info #3:
Size: 40" x 50"
Batting: Scrap
Thread: Glide--Graphite
Pantograph: Ikat 1 ⤵️ from Urban Elementz
This 3rd quilt is where I ran short on that half price backing fabric so I added on another piece of half price fabric from my collection.⤴️ I love this versatile modern quilting design!!! 
Seeing these prints brings to mind so many memories of where and when I purchased these fabrics and what quilts they were used in! 
Quilt Info #4:
Size: 40" x 50"
Batting: Scrap
Thread: Glide--Graphite
Pantograph: Benay's Herringbone ⤵️ from Urban Elementz
This fourth blue jelly roll race quilt has a gingham backing, another half price purchase I had in my collection. ⤴️
Batiks, Japanese fabrics, extra wide backing fabrics, blenders, some novelties--these quilts contain pretty much all styles of prints!
I was also aware that I had a lot of indigo blue 2 1/2" squares accumulated in my scrap bin, as well as a lot of white/cream squares, so I decided to make a checkerboard quilt out of them!⤵️

Quilt Info #5:
Size: 40" x 50"
Batting: Scrap
Thread: Glide--Graphite
Pantograph: Bridges ⤵️ from Sew Shabby Quilting
I first sewed these together as 4-patches which allowed me to spin the seams while pressing. Then I sewed the 4-patches together by rows. All the seam allowances spun beautifully!⤵️
Bridges is the name of this quilting.⤵️ Scrappy binding gives me one more chance to use up leftover 2 1/2" strips. As for the batting, I also piece batting scraps together for these smaller quilts.
I had an indigo piece of fabric that worked perfectly for this indigo quilt!⤵️ Again, it was a half price purchase. I might be running low on these larger pieces of half price fabrics!!!
That used up my stack of indigo and white squares!!! The other colors I have a lot of 2 1/2" squares of are grey and black. I'm not sure yet how to use those up so they're not too monotonous--maybe combine them with a variety of colored squares?
March is yellow month at Rainbow Scrap Challenge--I'm pulling my yellow strips together!
Linking up with the Rainbow Scrap Challenge at So Scrappy on Saturday.


  1. It would be a real pleasure for me to look through your leftover fabric wonderful...I don't have much yet, especially quilting fabrics, last year I made my first quilt and now I'm on my third :-)))
    Great campaign you are taking part in... the baby quilts you made are very beautiful... they will bring a lot of joy to the families.
    I have looked at each of your quilts in detail, you have wonderfully combined the different print styles of these wonderful fabrics... I can well imagine the joy it gave you... as they are fabrics with which you have already created large quilts.
    Glad to see it... I'm currently preparing the binding for my third quilt. A hug comes to you from Viola

  2. I love them all! I am partial to that last one, love those indigo and white squares. The gingham backing on that one is so cute. Your scraps are really pretty.
    Did your scrap drawers expand as you used your scraps, or did you actually see a reduction? :D

  3. Nancy these are a great way to use up those strips. The checkerboard is my favorite, I have one made and I'm trying to decide if I want it bigger or not. I enjoy seeing which panto you use on each quilt.

  4. Did the 2.5" box go down? You certainly attempted it anyway. They're all lovely quilts but my favorite is the 4 patch, so pretty. Happy stitching!

    1. I was inspired by you, Gretchen, to make 4-patches! And yes, the 2 1/2" stack of indigos and whites went down to nearly nothing, for now!!!

  5. Wow! What amazing finishes. . .all from your scrap drawer! Did you find a reduction in the drawer? I too was partial to your four patch finish those spun seams are a thing of beauty!--TerryK@OnGoingProjects

  6. These are gorgeous and what good work you are doing clearing scraps. I get tired of them and give them away. I can't stand prepping it....maybe I will try this and see how I feel as the results are so good. Love all your quilting choices, too. I always find one or two new ones to write down.

  7. What beautiful scrap quilts for babies! You know I am partial to the Checkerboard quilt. One of my blog readers alternated black squares with colorful squares, and the quilt turned out fantastic. So you could try that design idea as well.

  8. These are gorgeous, Nancy and a great way to whittle the 2 1/2" bin down. You always play with the prettiest of fabrics. Enjoy your weekend and Happy quilting. Hugs.

  9. It's so fun reminiscing through the fabric stash isn't it!

  10. Your blue quilts turned out beautifully, Nancy! Such a great way to use up your strips and squares. Just the other day I saw this quilt at Pennsylvania Piecemaker. Something like this would work with your gray and black squares.

  11. Every one of the quilts is awesome, but that checkerboard one really catches my eye. Beautiful quilting choices too!

  12. Scraps make the best quilt. Here are four fabulous examples. Bravo! Each one is adorable in their own special way. ;^)

  13. Pretty baby quilts! I love to see your beautiful Japanese fabrics in there! Lovely quilting designs too, and scrappy bindings. Well done finishing five quilts! Thank you so much for sharing, and linking up!

  14. Oh my goodness, four jelly roll race blue baby quilts! What a lot of strips you used up, they all look wonderful. And I love the checkerboard quilt too, you have been super industrious indeed.

  15. Wow, your scrap drawer really was overflowing. You must have had a mountain to be able to make so many quilts.
    The JRR pattern works so well for all the different scraps you have used, and all the blues play so well together. They all look wonderful.
    I can see you have had fun playing with the different pantographs, too. Great choices.
    The checkerboard is a favourite. Seeing all that blue and white together is a delight.
    Have fun with your next colour challenge.

  16. Guess I'm not the only one who plays math games in my head while quilting, determining how many yards of this or how many pieces in a block times the number of blocks... No matter the yardage or the pieces, each of your blue donation quilts are fun. You have an amazing fabric collection. So many bold, happy prints that work well together.

  17. What a beautiful way to spend February Blues! Great job. Loved seeing all the different pantographs too. Your backings showed them off beautifully too!

  18. Oh such a beautiful collection of blue scraps used again for a great cause. My favorite is the checkerboard quilt. Lovely quilting as always.

  19. Wowzer, great minds and all that! I made a bunch of blue & cream Irish chain quilts to use up my scraps . I still have scraps but I do feel better! I found an " indigo " pattern and made 2 variations to use up my strips. It is so much fun. Yours look great, the quilting really adds to the design. Great score on the backing fabric too!

  20. My goodness, Nancy! Your productivity puts me to shame! And your generosity knows no end! And gosh, but you have lots of blues and lots of 2-1/2" strips! My jaw is dropped. I couldn't begin to come up with so many blues, nor strips and you're excessiveness about donating is admirable. I adore what you've created, and the lovely longarm designs. If this is how you behave because you aren't working in a quilt shop anymore, it's evident that you put your time to good use. Wowsa.

  21. These quilts are a great way to use your strips and re-visit older (and very pretty!) quilting designs! :)

  22. These are fantastic and thanks for sharing the names of the pantographs.

  23. Great quilts. I'm always so impressed with how much piecing you get done. I may steal your idea for March's yellow. I don't have a lot of yellow strips but I probably have enough as fat quarters to make a copy cat top/s.

  24. What a lovely way to use up your blue scraps! These are so pretty. Thanks for sharing on my weekly show and tell, Wednesday Wait Loss.

  25. They all looks so pretty!! I love making jelly roll race quilts! Thanks for joining in on Monday This and That! I will be featuring your post this week! xx

  26. Such beautiful quilts. Thanks for showing the back of one with the spun seams, it's so helpful to see the "inner workings" :-)

  27. These blue quilts are all wonderful and for a great charity. Thanks for sharing with us at Monday Musings!


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