Monday, March 3, 2025

Thrifty Things Lately ~ March 3, 2025


A Thrifty Week at Harvest Lane Cottage
We lived in this little house that God provided for us during some extra lean times for nearly ten years. I have fond memories of using it up, wearing it out, making it do, or doing without. It's a lifestyle that works well today, too.

Thank you for visiting today—or tonight!
Do say hello!

Dear Reader,

    I am so glad you dropped by. Your sweet words of encouragement always mean so much to me. Some of you have been with me for many years, through my early homeschooling days with littles, up through homeschooling teens, through my breast cancer experience, and all the while, writing to you encouraged me to share my thrifty doings, the many ways that God has provided for us, and my love of Jesus. 

    One of the regular posts I used to do was "A Thrifty Week at Harvest Lane Cottage". I am considering starting up with that again. It kept me focused on doing things that provided for my family, and reminded me to use it up "wear it out, make it do, or do without".
Later, I started sharing "Thrifty Things Lately", and combining things I did over a number of weeks. 

    Saving money seems pretty important right now to most everyone!
Please see the bottom of the post to help me with three questions that I have for you. I do hope you'll write to me in the comments. ~smile~

A Verse for You

" I, therefore, the prisoner of the LORD, beseech you to walk worthy of the calling with which you were called, with all lowliness and gentleness, with long suffering, bearing with one another in love, endeavoring to keep the unity to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace."
~ Paul
Ephesians 4:1-3
ESV Bible

Note: Can you tell that I needed a verse about patience when I looked that one up? 
Here's my thrifty week!

  • I mended two dresses that needed only small repairs to go back into the spring/summer rotation. 

  • I'm listening to The Wings of Poppy Pendleton on my Everand app. It's a deal for me since I listen to so many audiobooks for just $11.99 total a month.
  • I'm listening to the King James Bible on for free. 
  • My sewing machine would not zigzag. I took the bobbin area apart and cleaned it and oiled it. I changed my needle; then, I read through my machine manual page by page. I found that I was using the wrong size bobbin. It's working much better now. That saved me a bunch of money over sending it for repairs.
  • I'm knitting another pair of scrappy socks for a gift.
  • I sewed personal cloths that I call tinkle cloths. 

  • I cut up an old flannel sheet and sewed some cloth napkins by zigzagging around the edges.
  • I made broccoli bacon salad for lunch one day. I used a stalk of broccoli that was close to date, a slightly withered apple, four slices of leftover bacon, a slice of onion diced up, and a few raisins. I chopped it all up and added half a recipe of slaw dressing.
  • Paula Young was having a one day wig sale. I got two clearance wigs with an additional 28% off and free shipping. I then used my PayPal credit from selling a couple items on ebay. It was less than $14 out of my checking account! Girl math, but I don't care. ~smile~ I don't talk about it much, but I've had to wear wigs since chemo. My hair didn't grow back very well. I knew it was a possibility with one of the drugs I was taking. I'm thankful that I'm still here to write about it. ~wink~ I'll have to share photos when I get them in a few weeks. They're both short. One is curly, one is straight. We'll see. They're both out of my comfort zone, but I'm living daringly. ~smile~
  • Eating down what's in the freezer and pantry since January.
  • Using what I've got!

Three questions for you, please comment!
1. Are you interested in the thrifty things that I do?
2. Would you like me to post weekly or once in awhile?
3. What else would you like to see me write about?

Bonus question:

What have you done in your home this week?

Thrifted candlestick, gifted plant, salt and pepper shakers, and reviewed candle.


  1. Thank you for the uplifting posts and thrifty reminders. I enjoy making life decisions that help God-given Mother Earth and nature survive. Being almost 80 and retired on fixed income, makes thrift a necessity, but no reason we can have fun and be creative too.

    1. Eileen, you have a great advantage over younger folks. You grew up in a thriftier time. May bless you as you be thrifty.

  2. I love your thrifty posts. Such an encouragement to me whenever they come. Have a beautiful week!

    1. Hi Angela,
      Thank you for writing to me.
      I must admit the weekly format is much more motivating to me.

  3. Love all the thrifty ways. I wish I could knit socks. Actually I can but when?

    1. I snatch moments to knit whenever I can. Cast on a simple pair of socks and take advantage of whatever time you can.

  4. I'm interested in your thrifty posts once a week. I would love to reviews of books you've read whether positive or negative. I love the random year posts.

    1. Thank you, Regina! Your opinion means a lot to me, because I know you've been reading my blog for a long time.
      God bless you!

  5. Your thrifty posts are some of my favorites and I would love to see them weekly. I am also interested in posts about homemaking and recipes. Thank you for providing such an encouraging and peaceful place to visit! Have a blessed day.

  6. I enjoy your thrifty posts. I have been lining wire shelves in a closet this week, and plan to line one more cupboard in my kitchen this week. I may do one more cupboard next week too.

  7. Laura, I love being frugal. I've never really "had to be," but I think waste is a terrible thing. Especially food, especially meat. My husband laughs when he sees me getting every drop of toothpaste or lotion out of its container, but I just say "Grandma would be so proud of me!" My Southern grandmother lived through the depression and knew hard times and was the queen of frugal.


Thanks for writing me back!

This life only works with Jesus. The next life is a continuation of this one—make sure you spend it with Jesus. Jesus is the only way to God the Father!

Laura Lane