Monday, February 24, 2025

Monday Mural

With Sami and others, here is my Monday Mural.

I wonder what the crosses are about?

Never mind, this sentiment on Jacka Boulevard in St Kilda was nice.

What an exhausting social weekend, but good that I'm alive to 'enjoy' them.


  1. I like the message there .. Have a great day yourself Andrew!

  2. I could be wrong but I think the crosses are usually associated with Christianity.

  3. Sometimes crosses are painted where someone has died, usually from a car crash. It's a nice mural though. Pretty colours.

  4. Interesting art which leaves us wondering what it's about.

  5. Crosses ? maybe two people died there. I only see crosses in catholic churches !

  6. I also wonder what is the link with the crosses and "have a nice day". Nice colours mural. Thanks for participating in Monday Murals Andrew.

  7. You social butterfly! I am mostly caregiving for my partner with memory issues, so it's a domestic existence, but I'm content. I ran around for years, going everywhere and doing everything, riding motorcycles, playing music, going to events and taking a thousand photos. I guess I'm getting a nice rest now. Even though I have a million tasks to accomplish everyday and my creative Oasis at my blog. Thank God. I love my apartment.... In the high-rise.... Aloha Andrew, thanks for sharing

    1. I'm so sorry for Cloudia's burdens, but she seems to have a fantastic attitude. Lucky for me, my husband's health overall is much better yet I regret not facing things with such grace.

      Thanks for sharing these images. Be well!


Sunday Selections

This week's photos are generally from June last year. River and others join in Sunday Selections. It is interesting to see Asian lasses...