Monday, February 24, 2025

Listen To The Monkey!

An order that ironically comes from Hanover!!!
The artist is Zike Monkey Squad
The motto is  "I love colors" (who does not?).
This is at the entrance to the former market-hall again, where there is mostly graffiti but this is a real artist and why is it I put up three exclamation marks?
In soccer Braunschweig and Hanover are "enemies" - see why I don´t like soccer?
In American Football it´s the team they play with (or did, when Hanover was first league).
But, I repeat myself: "BE HAPPY 😊" - that´s an order!!!

We ALL should allowed to be happy - found this at Tom´s and want to spread, too:

1997 fellow flatmate mJ and I tried to learn the guitar and did so with the original song. 
Never ever would I have thought... never.

An ALSTOM-customer, Ukrainian-born, came to Braunschweig at age 6 packed up warm clothes, meds, food, drinking water, supplements for women, kids´-toys, rented a van and drove to Kyjiw again and again, we all gave money to support him. 
That was when "the attack" started.
We thought it was but that, an attack. In 2022.

That was years ago. He sent me pics and videos (of destroyed buildings, no people, of course) - I had to ask him to stop, it was horrible. Then... nothing no more.
Last thing I heard he has quit his job at ALSTOM.

And Ukraine? Still up and fighting.
For their land, for their freedom, for peace.
For OUR freedom. Our values.
There were Ukrainian cars here, quite big cars, mostly. All gone. Reckon it does not mean the people returned "home". Reckon it means they had to sell.

And now? Russia and USA talk about "the future". Without Ukraine. Without Europe.
How the heck can that be.
Are we on the way "Back to the USSR"?
I was 17 years old when in Jolly Joker, Braunschweig, a band played this song, life. I remember the funny shoes they wore.
By now I live in this city, the Jolly Joker is gone, but the fear is back.


"Not just cars: these things were invented in Germany

Haribo stands for Harald Riegel (founder) and Bonn (foundation location). The company was best known for the “Gold Bears,” which made it famous in 1922."
I hope you do not have the same stupid, annoying  TV-ads we have. 
Adults in dumb situations, discussing the newest edition of Haribo, speaking with exaggerated kid´s voices.
I always have to turn off the sound.
Someone had Haribo at ESE - I mentioned the ads. A young colleague moaned, "just shut up!!!"
Henry 🦁

 To a new week! To a solution. Peace.Freedom and re-building (ha, to think of that!).



River said...

Love the cuddling lions at the end. Cute Be Happy Monkey too. I've heard that song on another blog, the family does quite a few different songs, all good. 3 years fighting already! And now I read in today's newspaper, Trump wants Ukraine to pay for the aid sent by the US!! He wants their minerals! How dare he even ask?? You don't give aid in hopes of getting paid back!! He is such a nasty little man and I do mean "little". I've heard that he and Putin are discussing carving up Ukraine to get the minerals, which only makes me more angry.

Iris Flavia said...

I hope "we" can fight both, even Switzerland may be on the list and they were always neutral. I wonder what happened if you tried to get a piece of Dumpy Trumpy´s land? This man is sick, stating Ukraine started the war shows he has no clue. He does not want to make America great again, he wants more for himself whilst "his" people hardly can afford eggs. Never thought this would cross my mind, eggs.
It´s like living in a dream,a bad dream. But it was to be expected. I mean, those 24 hours he spoke of last a while already, don´t they.

Bettie said...

Be happy is difficult these days

Sami said...

Nice mural find Iris. That "little orange man" makes me so angry! How dare he say the Ukraine started the war and that Zelenskyy is a dictator and only has 4% approval rating! And he's now wanting to get the minerals to recover the money the USA gave to help the Ukraine! He seems to want to take over all the countries he can get his hands on! Anyway.... thanks for participating in Monday Murals Iris.

Iris Flavia said...

Yes... the more so one needs to see what good we still have...

Iris Flavia said...

Yes, try to take something, anything from Orange and he flips. I don´t know, he knows no facts, he doesn´t even care and people believe him!!! I do hope help is on the way from all other countries who can help!
In my eyes Ukraine belongs into EU anyways!

Tom said...

...YES, be happy Iris.

Anonymous said...

Cute art -Christine

The Padre said...

Yup , Happy Happy Happy With Gummy Gummy Gummies

Big Hugs ,

RedPat said...

Be happy!
We have those Haribo commercials here too.

Iris Flavia said...

I give my best, Tom...

Iris Flavia said...

We need cute.

Iris Flavia said...

I happily conclude you do not have such nuts-driving ads in TV for Haribo, lucky you. Ceers and big hugs back, enjoy (I cannot buy them anymore!)

Iris Flavia said...

Oh, I´m so sorry about the ads. Really, I do not buy those anymore... reckon neither does said colleague...
But I can be happy without! Ingo got some from "Bärenland", we have alternatives!

CJ Kennedy said...

Fun monkey. A nice break from waking up each day and thinking WTF (are they doing now)?

gigi-hawaii said...

It really makes me angry that Trump stated that Zelenskyy is a dictator. I have decided to stop watching the News. It's just too upsetting.

Iris Flavia said...

And they´re doing it anyways... I feel sick and lost on the political sector (and not only there)...

Iris Flavia said...

Stealing their minerals is the next step... you at least are "far away" - we are just around the corner. How big is Putin´s appetite... he can be here in no time and we are back to USSR... GDR, you name it. Scary times. Ukraine needs protection! Freedom and peace does...

Bill said...

Got to be happy, it sures beat the alternative.

Jeanie said...

I really love the Marsh Family. It's been fun to see them grow up -- and their words are still as poignant as ever.

DVArtist said...

I agree, be happy no matter what.

Iris Flavia said...

Yes, and it´s an order ;-)

Iris Flavia said...

They are new to me!

Iris Flavia said...

Yes, let´s follow that monkey!