Sunday, February 23, 2025

Remembering Jean Margat and his Mona Lisa Collections


Jean Margat invented the term Jocondologie. He first used the term in the May, 1959, issue of the French journal Bizarre which he wrote and illustrated, using objects from his Mona Lisa collections (shown above). I just learned that Margat died this month at the age of 100. I knew him as a collector of Mona Lisa objects, which he eventually donated to the Louvre in 2014. See this brief write up from the Louvre: “Kitsch.”

I corresponded with Jean Margat for a while, and exchanged a few collectibles and photocopies of Mona Lisa materials. This was in the 1990s, so of course all was by postal service, with letters and packages crossing the ocean very slowly. I am not at all sure that he ever adopted the Internet for his many Mona Lisa contacts, but I had lost touch with him by the time that could have happened.

Jean Margat was more seriously known for his engineering accomplishments, as shown in the following google page as it appears this week:

Mona Lisa in Paris

Thinking of Jean Margat and his Mona Lisa collection reminds me of all the time that I spent in Paris searching for  (or just observing) Mona Lisa appearances. I also remember the one time that I met Jean Margat. At his suggetion, we spent an hour or two over coffee at the famous Procope cafe and restaurant in Paris. He brought several large binders full of wonderful Mona Lisa images and objects to show me, and we enjoyed a conversation about his collections. Thinking of him, I’ve been looking over some of my old photos of Paris and Mona Lisa art. Here are a few examples.

A memorable mural on a wall in Paris in 2008.

Post cards for sale: I obtained many of my Mona Lisa cards by searching the post card stands
throughout Paris.

A Mona Lisa in a shop window.

A Mona Lisa magazine cover. I think Jean Margat sent me this image.

I think Jean Margat also sent me this magazine cover.

My most recent visit to the Mona Lisa. It’s way too crowded!

Blog post and photos © 2008-2025 mae sander


David M. Gascoigne, said...

Thanks for the introduction - a complete unknown to me. As for visiting the Louvre, which I have done only once, better to pick a day of truly foul weather. Then you have a chance of avoiding the crowds.

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful collection of Mona Lisa images.
Sorry the museum was so crowded during your last visit.
Take care, have a wonderful week!

Nicky said...

I love hearing about people being passionate about collections like that!

Lydia C. Lee said...

Great post. It's all very interesting. I didn't know any of this. And beautiful Mural for #Muralmondays. And I'm sorry for your loss. It's always a bit of a shock.

thecuecard said...

It's neat you corresponded with this collector and that you sent you some of these images. Wonderful.

My name is Erika. said...

I have not heard of Jean Margat. I enjoyed this introduction to him and seeing some of his work. And very cool that you communicated with him. He lived a long life too.

Emma at Words And Peace / France Book Tours said...

Cool collection!

Iris Flavia said...

Wonderful you met Jean Margat - sad you lost contact.

Bertiebo said...

Oh I can imagine you in Paris looking for Mona Lisa and talking to Jean. I loved this post. Thank you!

Sami said...

I had never heard of him, but find it amazing that you corresponded with him and he made time to meet up with you in Paris. The last time I visited the Louvre a few years ago it was packed too and far too many people taking selfies in front of well known works of art! Thanks for participating in Monday Murals with all your Mona Lisa images :) Thanks Mae

Jeanie said...

I was at IKEA on Thursday and they had a 16x20 Mona in their art and frames area! Of course I thought of you!

DVArtist said...

A wonderful post. Nice to meet up with him.

Linda said...

Interesting. The Louvre was crowded when I was there 20 years ago.

Empire of the Cat said...

Thanks for your visit Mae, hope you got a real brownie lol. I couldn't find you on the T link up today but I was able to find a link here. Very interesting post, cool that you were corresponding with him and sad that you lost touch.

Deb Nance at Readerbuzz said...

I love it that you collect various images of the Mona Lisa. How fun that you got to meet Jean Margat.