Παρασκευή 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2025

Life is better with music

Η ζωή είναι καλύτερη με τη μουσική

Αγαπημένες μου φίλες, αγαπημένοι μου φίλοι, σας παρουσιάζω τη νέα ψηφιακή δημιουργία μου. Χρησιμοποίησα δική μου εικόνα ΤΝ. Σας αρέσει;

Dear friends, I present you my new digital layout. Used my AI image. Do you like it?
Also used: Free google fabric / paper / stitching / flower and computer generated sentiment.

Join our challenge at Art Journal Journey, there is still time!
The theme for February is "MUSIC"

Life is better with music

Δες το δικό μου ελεύθερο σετ εικόνων ΤΝ, τίτλος "Σκύλος που παίζει μουσική 1", εδώ
See my free set images AI, title "Dog playing music 1", here 

Link parties:


14 σχόλια:

  1. I wish I had a piano (because I do play, not very well, but just for fun). If I did I might teach one of the dogs to play too. Well, I could try. Grin. Great page Mia. I like it. hugs-Erika

  2. Yes!! The life always is better with music, Mía!
    Great inspiration!

  3. Your saying is so sweet and true. Fabulous with the border around the outside with the playing dog on your page!
    Hugs Elke

  4. A fun card Mia, with such a true sentiment! I love the 'burlap background' you gave the image

  5. Infeed, life is better with music

    Thanks fir linking to AFFF


  6. Infeed, life is better with music

    Thanks fir linking to AFFF


  7. I have wanted a piano for quite some time. I would love to play. I do like this digital art very much. Brings happiness. Thank you for joining with FFO. Have a nice weekend.

  8. What a lovely pages with your puppy piano player! Love that layer with the burlap and frayed edges! Thank you for making me smile today, my friend! And thank you for sharing your lovely inspiration with the "music" theme for AJJ!

  9. This picture is so cute. I can almost hear the dog playing the piano. In fact, life is always easier with music than without it. It's so much happier and more enjoyable. Beautiful edges and a wonderful flower to boot. It looks so beautiful.
    Thank you for taking part in the Critter Crazy challenge.
    Hugs, Uschi

  10. Cute dog and a great card!

    Thanks for joining us at the Outlawz Twisted Thursday Challenge.

    Helen x


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