Thursday, February 20, 2025

Stay at Home Round Robin (SAHRR) 2025 Round 5

Brenda of Songbird Designs gave us the Round 5 prompt: "To make quarter log cabin blocks. Half log cabin blocks are also acceptable, if you prefer". 

I made half Log Cabin blocks years ago, but wasn't sure what quarter log cabin blocks were or what the difference was, so I Googled it to find out the difference between the 2 blocks. Google told me they are the same thing, so like most quilt blocks out there, there is more than one name for the same block, and depending on where you live, the name might be different. Google said, "Half log cabin and quarter log cabin quilt blocks are the same thing". So there you have it.

With that in mind, I decided not to make them half or quarter log cabins, but to make them free form, no rules style using whatever width fabric scraps I had and sewing them using a combination of Log Cabin and Courthouse Steps (a variation) style. I love this way of making these blocks, since there are no rules and I love the look. I don't bother with using light and dark fabrics in a certain way as anything goes making these blocks. It's a great way to use up scraps too. The Round Robin Quilt Police 👮won't be coming after me for changing the block a bit as it is MY quilt after all and I did do a log cabin of sorts, so it's all good.😉

I first added a narrow border all around before adding the log cabin style blocks on the 2 sides. Next Monday we will receive the last prompt for round 6, so I will see what that block is and sew blocks to the top and bottom. Maybe larger blocks to take this quilt to a rectangle shape? I will have to see what the prompt is before I decide for sure.

I took this photo indoors and since it is growing in size, it is hard to get a good photo, especially on the floor. Once the top is done, I will have Mr. P hold up the top for a better photo outside. And he can hold it up again after it is quilted too, which will be later, who knows when?

free form no rules log cabin quilt blocks on 2 sides
First, I sewed a narrow border all around the top and then I added the free-form, no rules scrappy log cabin blocks on the 2 sides.

Go to Gail's Blog for the info for this year's SAHRR.
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  1. Your log cabin style blocks look great, Daryl. Love the tea pots and cups. This would make a fun wall hanging in a kitchen.

  2. This will be a cute quilt, Daryl. I scrolled back to see your complete progress with this round robin. I should try one of these challenges one day. It maybe would be a fun challenge with my guild.

  3. Looking very good. Your improv log cabins work so well because the fabrics link everything beautifully. See you next round! - Laura Kate at

  4. Daryl, I love your quilt and the log cabins! This is what I will as well, free and no cut with a ruler. Stay tuned! Love to see yours! I am to find at Wendys blog, Eva

  5. Daryl, love your improv logs and your quilt! It's coming together nicely! Mr. Google is actually wrong! It takes four quarter log blocks to make a log cabin block and two half log blocks to make a log cabin block! Mr. Smarty doesn't know everything! LOL LOL


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