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In this excerpt from Secrets, Hearts, and Flowers, what should be a happy celebration for Cupid has instead stirred up his insecurity.
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“Okay, I heard most of the conversation,” Daisy Fay said. “I’m not going to force you to talk if you don’t want to, but if you do, I’m here.”
“It’s nothing. So we’re not planning to celebrate Valentine’s Day. It’s no big deal.”
“When a guy named Cupid doesn’t plan to celebrate Valentine’s Day, it’s a big deal.”
He chuckled. “Okay. Maybe you have a little bit of a point, considering I picked that name myself. Yeah, back in the day I had romantic notions about the holiday that fixates on love, but I’m different now. Besides, does Lance seem like the kind of guy who’s into candy hearts and sappy romance?”
“That’s not the point.”
“We just haven’t discussed it. There’s so much going on with the rebellion. We’ve both been busy.”
“We have, too,” Daisy Fay said. “But Martin-Manticore insists on celebrating. They say it’s their duty as part of the rebellion and if the demon masters think they can outlaw love they can shove it up their—”
“Yeah. I can totally picture Manticore saying that.”
“Martin agrees. Sometimes with them it’s like a raging battle in a single body, but regarding certain things, they really are of one mind. The question is do you want to celebrate?”
Cupid shook his head. “I don’t know. I mean, I know Lance wouldn’t be against it, but I’m not sure how I feel. I’m fine with organizing festivities at the club—and yes, we’re having them—but I’m almost afraid to believe that Lance is really mine. I thought I was over everything that happened to me.”
“Cupid, you went through some horrible experiences. Yeah, you’ve come a long way, but if there are still times when you need to work through what happened, that’s okay.”
Cupid nodded. He drew a breath and released it slowly, trying to settle his thoughts.
“Can I do anything for you?” Daisy Fay asked.
A slight, sad smile flickered across his lips. He met her warm gaze and felt more grounded. Nowadays it was rare for him to be dragged into the past, but when it happened, he was glad to have a friend around.
Secrets, Hearts, and Flowers
by Kate Hill
Series: Love Charms 1
Universe: Pandemonium
Format(s): Ebook
Heat Level: Some Sensuality
Pairing(s): M/M
Genre/Themes: Alpha Hero, Older hero, Vampires, Demons, Magic, Short paranormal, Valentine’s Day
Length: Novella
Purchase Links: Amazon / UBL
With most holidays outlawed by the demons who have taken over the world, Valentine’s Day is celebrated in secret by those who still believe in the magic of love.
It’s Cupid and Bloodbloom’s first Valentine’s Day together, but will the vampire lovers find time to celebrate while continuing to fight against the demon masters?
Note: Secrets, Hearts, and Flowers is a very short m/m paranormal romance with an older alpha hero and a charming younger hero surviving in a dystopian world. It is part of the Pandemonium universe.
Intriguing excerpt that raises more questions than it answers.
A Cupid who’s anti-valentine. Different!
Awww, I felt so bad for him. He seems so sad.
I am glad he has Daisy as a friend to cheer him up. But maybe that will change.
Shalom shalom