Uh-oh! I realized I lost an entire day, yesterday, so I'm working hard to get this all finished for Friday morning. Still not 100 Purrcent after that last COVID episode.
Dani is starting off with two oldies but goldies because time is short.
Uh-oh! I realized I lost an entire day, yesterday, so I'm working hard to get this all finished for Friday morning. Still not 100 Purrcent after that last COVID episode.
Dani is starting off with two oldies but goldies because time is short.
Dani starts things off with two, one new and one old one, which is hopefully old enough you won't remember.
June of Zoolatry bemoans the loss of her favourite table, and then demonstrates how she is not yet under a spell.
Seal and Tinslee from Brian's Home -- Forever. They are each looking to bring some new spin into their lives.
Mr. Cal of MessyMimisMeanderings doesn't even know his girlfriend's name. Shame!
Dani takes the lead today amid all the controversy. Dani was born in Canada in 2017 in the province of Quebec.
June of Zoolatry is up next with two of her own. She has been one verrrrrrry busy girl!
Dani's leading off with our Valentine's Day post, harkening back to her previous heart-filled days from the first up to the present.
June of Zoolatry has disguised herself so her Mom won't find her and then give her a lecture on boxes afterwards.