1. Even though I am having a hard time trying to comment on other people's blogs, I am still able to READ them...
2. Knee is still improving, the PT is very pleased, and I will be going every OTHER week, so I must be doing something right! 😃
3. I am able to get around pretty well, still using a walking stick, or cane, when in public, (no falling or getting knocked over accidentally), but around the house I am able to pretty much move freely.
4. The chickens are laying now, and seem very happy with the spring like weather we're having. Rain later in the week...
5. Which, if I go out and put my mulch on, it can be rained in and settled by the time I want to plant. Won't even have to do all at once!
6. Got brave* and tried to donate blood. No go, one stupid decimal low on iron.
But another is coming up soon, and I know how to up my iron, so I can try again.
7. Husband and I have been playing chess fairly regularly, and I am lasting longer before I lose. That's something. And I am RE-learning some things...
Turns out, some brats I learned from in grade school taught me some horse... radish. I found out it was flat out wrong, and was meant to give them the win.
8. Knit up some camouflage color socks to go with a couple camo shirts I have. The socks are much brighter than the shirts, but they are in shoes, as a rule, so... Meh. Might make some fingertip gloves too, but I have other bits and bobs I want to get to first.
9. Oh, a nice thing, when I tried to donate! I didn't have to have a finger stick. They put a little device on your thumb, and it seems to work something like a blood pressure cuff. I know it sounds odd, but the little ding from the finger sometimes was more painful than the blood draw in my arm, so that is nice!!
10. Silly thing, but I have grown up wearing a watch. I had to quit, because it was making my wrist break out. But it was driving me crazy (er), looking at my wrist and no watch.
Well, I decided, if I removed the watch at night, it's not going to affect me as much. So I have started wearing a watch during the day, and it seems to be fine, so far. And I can see the time, not a blank wrist!
Take care, good week, and enjoy!
*My last blood donation was less than a week before Covid was discovered, at the place I had donated! Yikes!!!