1. Mee-yow Brody an Tuffy an Rusty wee so sleepy heer two. Iss snowin again…wee are so so tired of this Winter.
    Youss’ all look so cozzy; move over so mee can join you!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  2. Brody, Brody. I see you in that chair and I love it. How did Tuffy manage to squeeze in beside of you? That was supposed to be my spot. Precious oh yes by the way we think Rusty looks very handsome.

    1. Brody said he was pretending it was you next to him, but he knows you are much thinner than Tuffy. XO

  3. So did you have a wild party last night and need to catch some zzzz’s now? BOLWoos – Misty and Timber

    Woos – Misty and Timber


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