My Mind's Eye

Remember your Angels are Watching

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Thankfuls from Cali, Kat and Rocky and Poetic Thursday #202

  Thankful Thursday hosted by 

Dearest Auntie HiC


OUR Mom, Kit and Dad, David, 

below is the REST OF THE STORY


We had “an incident” (as we’re calling it) a couple weeks ago.
It was during Kat’s pancreatitis flare- up.  We certainly didn’t need anymore excitement, but nonetheless…

As you know I’m an extremely mild-mannered little fellow, who rarely causes trouble.  😇
I knew Kat was not feeling well, and I offered to give him a gentle bath.
Notice his intact ear…

As is often the case, licks gradually transformed into gentle nibbles, which progressed into bites, escalating into wrestling, and eventually culminating in a brawl! 🙀
We usually break it up quickly, & go our separate ways. However, Cali was nearby & jumped in attempting to restore peace.
Mom had to get involved, but unfortunately, the wounds had already occurred.
Cali received a small scratch under her right eye & poor Kat’s right ear was “gently” pierced. Mom cared for the wounds, and everyone has healed.

When Kat arrived on the hill (2018) he already had a split left ear. 

So now, he’s sporting two notches!

We each had to spend some time in “time out” .  🙀
I, purrsonally, sustained no injuries, which proves either I can take care of myself when necessary, or I’m a bully! 😹

💓 Rocky

PS. Kat wants to assure Katie Isabella he’s a lover, not a fighter! 😻

Dearest Nephew Rocky/Bully(winkle)

Whew OMCs OMCs...too much of a good thing can cause overstimulation.  Angel Madi was easily overstimulated and Auntie HiC would get a lickin' and I keep on tickin'. MOL MOL Auntie Cracks herself up sometimes.!!!  Tell KAT his ears are still gawgeous! I hear girls think scars are a sign of bravery!! MOL Cali very thankful your eye is ok and that your Mom had to use her Kindergarten Teacher tactics 'time out'!! I bet she suggested everyone shake paws instead of kiss and make up since that was the cause of the brawl.  

    Most thankful peace and tranquility have been restored

Lovingly Auntie HiC

 Today is Poetic Thursday hosted by our pals Teddy and Angel Sammy at Two Spoiled Cats

This week's photo challenge

Office Parties...
They are rarely fun
We all have attended them!!
All the snacks served by the tons
do not make up for party hats
or strained chit chat.
If you don't attend, you will
surely some grief.
All will tell you of the fun and gaiety they had 
and mischief played on the Chief.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Wordless Wednesday: Sounds of Spring


Thank you to our Hostess

Sandee at Comedy Plus

Please turn up your volume.  

Saturday, March 8, 2025

there was such a symphony of tweets and chirps and a few fly-bys

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

Happy Tuesday: With Cali

Thank you to our

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at

 Comedy Plus

I’m not only a princess, but I’m also incredibly cute! Mom says I exploit my attractive qualities.
Apparently, Kat believes my cuteness is fading.
What do you think? 😹

❤️ Cali

California(crazy auto correct changed Cali to California) you are Princess of Tease. I do love your subtle moves.  I agree Kat thinks you need observe the 10’ rule for his purrsonally space.  Auntie HiC loves the music.
Lovingly A HiC
Auntie HiC Mom says my ego is as big as California!!

Monday, March 10, 2025

Awww Monday at Brooklyn Pickle

 We thank our Hostess Sandee at Comedy Plus   

On February 22, 2025 we tried a new, to us, Sandwich shop, Brooklyn Pickle, 
website link at the end of post
Excellent sandwiches!!! It is now 
in our rotation of Saturday lunch spots (since Seaboard Cafe closed in September 2024).  It is about 4 miles from home.

I have never seen so many flavors of Potato Chips.  They are lined up down the service counter.  Inside sitting along the left wall.
They also have a roomy patio for dining in nice weather
Hours 10am-8pm Monday-Saturday.


We shared a bag of Sea Salted, crunchy and taste.

Sandwiches and subs can be ordered in 1/2 or full size
we both ordered 1/2.

Bryan ordered their Brooklyn Pickle special:  Cornbeef, pastrami and swiss cheese on wheat
Delicious but kinda messy.  There was almost too much meat.
I ordered their delicious tuna salad sandwich. 

The sink in the bathroom was  unique,
Motion sensitive Faucet in the middle but WAIT as soon as the water turns off
the wands on each side dry your hands...note sign reads "wait for air to activate"!!
I might have washed my hands twice.

Sunday, March 9, 2025

Sky Watch Sunday

February  18, 2025 about 8:30 am

Look up at the sky light in the office/exercise/craft room

Oh Joy 
we had a double delightful Spring forward.  Literally overnight from Friday, March 7 to
Saturday morning, March 8 The Evil Yellow Dust of the Devil arrived aka TEYDD
This is the hood of our CR-V

This is the first of at least 3 different TEYDD events
This is pine pollen.  Thankfully this doesn't affect allergy suffers as much as
the next two that you canNOT see but it finds its way into your eyes and noses.