Hi everyone. Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.
1. My guide word for 2025 is ________________________.
2. I am counting the days to ___________________________.
3. 2025 is the year that I will _________.
4. I need to better organize _________.
My answers:
1. My guide word for 2025 is acceptance.
2. I am counting the days to Halloween- well at least until I can decorate for Halloween.
3. 2025 is the year that I will write that book about Joanie.
4. I need to better organize my thoughts.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My post is from January 2015, Angel Joanie was playing with the scratcher that looked like a keyboard.
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Lovely Joanie! Will look forward to your book about her! XO
Thank you.
OH, sweet Joanie, kitten on the keys! We look forward to your book!
Thank you.
I wonder what Joanie would have done with a real keyboard!!
Angel Pipo used to walk on the pedal board of our organ…if it was turned on we would hear his ‘musical compositions’, LOL!!
1. My guide word for 2025 is Smile.
2. I am counting the days ( 6 months), to when I will either stop working altogether or maybe work an an as needed basis..
3. 2025 is the year that I will likely stop working on a regular schedule or retire. Sort of the same as #2…
4. I need to better organize all my holiday things, there is much I need to give away/sell or trash!!.
I wonder. Thank you for these great answers. I like smile. And I hope you can fully retire and do anything you want. XO
Lovely flashback of Angel Joanie.
1. Guide word is Hope.
2. I am counting the days to July, our first cruise since before I started chemotherapy.
3. 2025 is the year I will try to become more active again.
4. I need to organise my wardrobe. I lost so much weight over the past 6 months (50 pounds) that all my clothes are way too big.
Yes, they are all connected to cancer and chemotherapy, but I was so relieved that it is now dormant that I feel as if my life has started again!
Thank you. And thanks for these great answers. I am so happy you can enjoy life again and get that cruise. XO
That would be lovely if you write a book about that sweet angel. I bet she can play the piano like crazy and sing with it.
Thank you.
We bet Angel Joanie was a great keyboard player
Great fill ins, Ellen and Good Luck on your book
Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend to all of you

Thank you.
DOuble pawkisses to you too. XO
A book about Joanie! No pressure but that gets me excited. Acceptance is a great choice. I almost picked it. My thoughts are all over the place. I have so many thoughts racing in my brain I can’t help but be distracted.
My Fill-Ins~
1. My guide word for 2025 is “calm.”
2. I am counting the days to… I’m not counting the “days to”, I’m going to make my best effort living today each day.
3. 2025 is the year that I will try hard to stop resisting change.
4. I need to better organize my knife and junk drawer. * I already did—yesterday!
Thank you, Ellen! This first Fill-In of the New Year was therapeutic
Thank you.
And thank you for these great answers. I like your guide word. Kuddos to you on already organizing. XO
How exciting to write a book about, Joanie.
My guide word for 2025 is peace
I am counting the days to Halloween
2025 is another year to declutter seriously
I need to organize my closets better.
Thank you.
And thank you for these great answers, especially #2. XO
We look forward to Joanie’s book.
Thank you.
Warm weather cannot get here fast enough.
We look forward to a new book!
Thank you.
I like it cold.
Love seeing Angel Joanie today. And thinking about Halloween already??? I don’t know about that.
Thank you.
I love Halloween. XO
Joanie is precious. I love her! What a sweet Joanie picture here for us today. I will buy that book when you publish it.
My Guide word is a phrase. “Do it!”
Like Pix above, I am not counting the days really, I am going to live each day as the gift it is.
2025 is the year of renewed hope and doing my part in that effort.
I DEFINITELY need to organize my bookshelves!
Awww…thank you. That is a great phrase. XO
I’d love to read your book. That’s such a cute pic of Angel Joanie.
Thank you.
Happy New Year, Ellen!
Thanks for sharing your fill-in responses. I shall look forward to your book about Joanie. Here’s to getting your thoughts organized. I stand a little bit of that myself.
I borrowed your fill-ins and put them up today, but I’m not linking up. I’m really too busy to get involved with hopping around just yet. I just want to keep active somewhat when I can with my usual haunts so I can get back into things easier later on. Stay warm and be well, my dear! xo
Thank you.
Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy new year! XO
Aww, Joanie could play without ‘sheet music.’ So precious and sweet.
Thank you.
Can’t wait to see the book about Joanie!
Thank you.
1. My guide word for 2025 is kindness.
2. I am counting the days to spring.
3. 2025 is the year that I will enjoy doing things other than boating. Selling our boats was so liberating. It was time.
4. I need to better organize my fragmented mind. It’s all over the place most of the time.
Thank you for hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins. Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to the kitties. ♥
Thank you for these great answers. I know how you feel on #4.
joanie…due ewe noe, that me and de gurl lookz for werd ta yur book and we hope it sellz a bazillion copeez

Awww…thank you. XO
Wonderful fill ins
OMCs I thought Joanie was tickling real ivories
Hugs Cecilia
Thank you.
‘angel’ Joanie sure was ADOORBS! Wee miss her alot Aunty Ellen. Yore Fill-Innss are furry guud. BellaSita an meee wanna try them!
Heer goess:
1. My guide word for 2025 is ACCEPTANCE. (BellaSita)
2. I am counting the days to Spring! (BellaDharma)
3. 2025 is the year that I will finish my Novella “Road To Nowhere” (BellaSita)
4. I need to better organize mee toy baskit. (BellaDharma)
~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~ an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum
Thank you for missing her too. And thank you both for these great fill-in answers. I can’t wait to read your mum’s novella. XO
Another book from you, yay!
Angel Joanie is precious, she will be a wonderful star of a story.
Thank you.
A book about Joanie would be wonderful. Cute flashback photo.
Thank you.
Adorable photo! Amen to #2…don’t forget Christmas in July too!
Thank you.
I won’t forget. XO
Good answers and such an adorable Angel Joanie flashback!
Thank you.
With all this time to plan Halloween it should be spectacular.
I hope so.
Thank you for participating.
Happy 2025!!!! Pawesome fill-ins and acceptance is a furbulous word to choose! We can’t wait for mew to complete a book about Joanie; Amber is already rubbing her mittens together in utter glee, and says she can’t wait to review it for mew!

Thank you.
I would be honored for Amber to review it. XO
Chaplin: “Angel Joanie! Play Chopsticks!”
Great goals! Hugs and blessings, my dear.
Thank you. And the same to you. XO