How's your week going? Not too frantic we hope, just a nice chilled vibe to start the festive season.
Well, last week we showed mew a Catmas Tree from way way back in 2016, as we ran out of time, but better late than never, here are this year's BBHQ Catmas Tree's in all their festive glory! MOL
This one is in the sitting room.
In fact, we are planning on joining them soon, as there's a BBQ happening, plus a bit of a pre-pre-Catmas-Eve-Pawty. I use the terminology - a bit of - when really that means there's a full blown Catmas Rave happening right now! MOL
So let's look at this week's news, as I can hear my name being called, and there's a rather festive niptini waiting for me, complete with an umbrella.

A Scuffle In The Santa Paw's Sleigh
Who's Having Catmas Pudding?
Next, the P.A. brought in the Catmas Pudding, and Amber got first dibbs, leaving poor Pandora puddingless! MOL
The B Team's Catmas Tree
Then the P.A. brought in the famous BBHQ Kitty Catmas Tree, and there was a queue forming to assault said tree. Stop by our social media pages over Catmas to see all the fun! MOL
Smooch Keeping The Catmas Treet Skirt Warm
Smooch, furry wisely distanced himself from all the festive outbreaks and took up residence in one of the new Catmas Tree skirts, keeping it warm while the P.A. fetched in all the decorations!

Melvyn's Modelling The Top Bandana Pick
He did get distracted this week by a whole load of Kitty Kryptonite, but luckily a smidge of a promise for more Kitty Kryptonite, and he got on his merry way.

Which one should he model next?
Bottom row from left to right
Tell us your top pick for next week in the comments, and also, we'll be sharing the brand-new collection for January 2025!!!

That's us done for today, as the pawty beckons. We'll be back tomorrow and again on Boxing Day.
If mew missed any other posts, here are the links:
The Mewton-Clawson Cat Carol Ambush Squad Selfie
Crafting with Cats ~ The Catmas Pudding
Crafting with Cats ~ Easy Peasy Catmas Stocking
Crafting with Cats ~ Burlap Cat Bahumbug Tree Ornament
That is s pretty tree
ReplyDelete#2 Bandana
Happy Christmas!
Your trees are amazingly gorgeous!
ReplyDeleteSmooch looks so comfy in that basket.
Your catmas tree is super, and I just love that sleigh! The pudding made me giggle!
Us kitty angels would have been distracted by boxes too, Melvyn...don't feel bad!
The trees are beautiful. I hope Santa wasn't watching when the scuffle in the sled was happening. Great modelling as always, Melvyn.
ReplyDeleteMelvyn, we are partial to #4! You all look so furry good and in the Christmas spirit. We send lots of purring Christmas wishes.
ReplyDeleteOh the trees are so beautiful. Your home is so beautiful. Your kitties are so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteJingle all the way is my pick for next week.
I linked this post to Happy Tuesday.
Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to all the kitties and a big hug to mom. ♥
guyz. yur fotoz bee grate, de treez awesum, ewe iz rockin yur bandana melvyn, eye wood like ta see feztive fun next week N a mozt eggz cell ant holly day two ewe all 🎄💚😺❤️‼️
ReplyDeleteWait, you have two Christmas trees ? Amazing ! Merry Christmas Eve ! Purrs
ReplyDeleteLovely trees and fun kitty times and catwalk! We like Jingle All the Way for next time!
ReplyDeleteOoh, we love both of your tall trees, mew guys. And that BBHQ Catmas tree, too! How about Jingle All the Way next time, Melvyn?
ReplyDeleteHappy Christmas Eve, sweet friends!
Such a fun and festive post. Merry Christmas from all of us!
ReplyDeleteI'm sure there don't need to be scuffles over the Catmas items, they will be out long enough for everyone to have a turn.
ReplyDeleteSmooch, you are smart to stay out of it.
Melvyn, great modeling, I very much enjoyed the mousie bandana and that's a great name for the invisible monster. How about Festive Fun next week.
I hope you all have a blessed and beautiful Merry Christmas!
Love all these photos, especially Amber in the pudding. May you all have a Merry Christmas. XO
ReplyDeleteGorgeous tree love the mice great photos of you all. Merry Christmas.x😽🐈⬛🐈🐾💕
ReplyDeleteThanks for joining Angel Brian's Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!